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womarek 17 - feelings: antipathies and aversions
autor: Aguus1988
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antipathy (towards)feeling of strong, often active, dislike or opposition towards sth or sb
hostilewrogi, nieprzyjazny (crowd of protesters)
unsympatheticobojętny, bez współczucia (remark)
aversion (have/feel an avesrion to)feeling of intense dislike or an unwillingness to do sth
pet aversionthing that one dislike most of all
to be (not) averse tobe opposed to
loathing, loathsome, loatheintense hatred (+adjective&verb)
abhorrence, abhorrent, abhorintense disgust (nienawiść, obrzydzenie, wstręt) (+adjective&verb)
scorn, scornfull, scorn (feel scorn for sb)lack of respect for sth or sb felt to be worthless (+adjective&verb)
revulsion, revoltiong, revoltstrong disgust (odraza, obrzydzenie, wstręt) (+adjective&verb)
repulsion, repulsive, repulseopposite of strong attraction (+adjective&verb)
blandlacking taste, character or interest
brashtoo confident;to bright (wyzywający)
dowdydull in appearance or lacking style (bez gustu)
ficklechanging options suddenly without reason (kapryśny, niestały)
fuddy-duddyold-fashiond (informal)
graspingalways wanting more money (informal)
nit-pickingtoo concerned about unimportant details (informal)
obnoxiousunpleasant and rude (obraźliwy, nieznośny)
obsequioustoo eager to praise or obey people (służalczy)
off-handshowing rude lack of interest in others (bezceremonialny)
officioustoo eager to tell others what to do (nadgorliwy, natrętny, narzucający się)
ostentatiousdisplaying wealth or possessions in a vulgar way
pompoustoo formal, showing that you think that you are more important than others (nadęty, pretensjonalny)
puerileto silly and childish (infantylny)
sloppynot taking care in the way you work (niechlujny) (informal)
squalidvery dirty and unpleasant (zapuszczony, zaniedbany)
tritelacking in originality, banal (oklepany)
pompositynadętość, pompatyczność (noun od pompous)
sloppilyadverb od sloppy
ficklenessniestałość (noun od fickle)
scornfullypogardliwie (adverb od scorn)
traditionalsimilar to fuddy-duddy (but more positive)
childlikesimilar to puerile (but more positive)
meticuloussimilar to obsequious (but more positive)
casualsimilar to sloppy (but more positive)
authoritativesimilar to officious (but more positive)
colourfulsimilar to brush (but more positive)
ostentatious / brashsomeone who drives a pink Rolls Royce with fur seats
ficklea girl who falls in and out of love with sb different every few weeks
obsequioussb who always laughs very loudly at the boss's jokes even if they are not funny
sloppysb who never checks a piece of writing they have done and never bothers to use a ruler to draw lines
graspinga woman who only goes out with rich men because she is interested in their money
squalida flat with clothes all over the floor and dust on every surface
blanda piece of chicken cooked in water without any salt, pepper, herbs, spices or vegetables
tritea story that is full of cliches(frazesy) and has a predictable and sentimental plot
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