antipathy (towards) | feeling of strong, often active, dislike or opposition towards sth or sb | |
hostile | wrogi, nieprzyjazny (crowd of protesters) | |
unsympathetic | obojętny, bez współczucia (remark) | |
aversion (have/feel an avesrion to) | feeling of intense dislike or an unwillingness to do sth | |
pet aversion | thing that one dislike most of all | |
to be (not) averse to | be opposed to | |
loathing, loathsome, loathe | intense hatred (+adjective&verb) | |
abhorrence, abhorrent, abhor | intense disgust (nienawiść, obrzydzenie, wstręt) (+adjective&verb) | |
scorn, scornfull, scorn (feel scorn for sb) | lack of respect for sth or sb felt to be worthless (+adjective&verb) | |
revulsion, revoltiong, revolt | strong disgust (odraza, obrzydzenie, wstręt) (+adjective&verb) | |
repulsion, repulsive, repulse | opposite of strong attraction (+adjective&verb) | |
bland | lacking taste, character or interest | |
brash | too confident;to bright (wyzywający) | |
dowdy | dull in appearance or lacking style (bez gustu) | |
fickle | changing options suddenly without reason (kapryśny, niestały) | |
fuddy-duddy | old-fashiond (informal) | |
grasping | always wanting more money (informal) | |
nit-picking | too concerned about unimportant details (informal) | |
obnoxious | unpleasant and rude (obraźliwy, nieznośny) | |
obsequious | too eager to praise or obey people (służalczy) | |
off-hand | showing rude lack of interest in others (bezceremonialny) | |
officious | too eager to tell others what to do (nadgorliwy, natrętny, narzucający się) | |
ostentatious | displaying wealth or possessions in a vulgar way | |
pompous | too formal, showing that you think that you are more important than others (nadęty, pretensjonalny) | |
puerile | to silly and childish (infantylny) | |
sloppy | not taking care in the way you work (niechlujny) (informal) | |
squalid | very dirty and unpleasant (zapuszczony, zaniedbany) | |
trite | lacking in originality, banal (oklepany) | |
pomposity | nadętość, pompatyczność (noun od pompous) | |
sloppily | adverb od sloppy | |
fickleness | niestałość (noun od fickle) | |
scornfully | pogardliwie (adverb od scorn) | |
traditional | similar to fuddy-duddy (but more positive) | |
childlike | similar to puerile (but more positive) | |
meticulous | similar to obsequious (but more positive) | |
casual | similar to sloppy (but more positive) | |
authoritative | similar to officious (but more positive) | |
colourful | similar to brush (but more positive) | |
ostentatious / brash | someone who drives a pink Rolls Royce with fur seats | |
fickle | a girl who falls in and out of love with sb different every few weeks | |
obsequious | sb who always laughs very loudly at the boss's jokes even if they are not funny | |
sloppy | sb who never checks a piece of writing they have done and never bothers to use a ruler to draw lines | |
grasping | a woman who only goes out with rich men because she is interested in their money | |
squalid | a flat with clothes all over the floor and dust on every surface | |
bland | a piece of chicken cooked in water without any salt, pepper, herbs, spices or vegetables | |
trite | a story that is full of cliches(frazesy) and has a predictable and sentimental plot | |