scrawny | unattractively thin and bony-looking (kościsty, wychudły) | |
lanky | very tall and thin; and usually moving awkwardly | |
gangling / gangly | with long, thin arms and legs and rather awkward movements; often used of men and boys | |
portly | with fat stomach and chest, often used humorously about older men (korpulentny, tęgi) | |
stout | with a quite fat, solid body, used of men and women | |
corpulent | fat (formal, literary word) | |
double chin | fat around the chin | |
unkempt | untidy, scruffy (rozczochrany, zaniedbany) | |
never a hair out of place | about hair that is always neat and tidy | |
swarthy | dark-coloured, used about skin (śniady, smagły) | |
sallow | yellowish and unhealthy looking (ziemisty, blady, żółtawy) | |
to look haggard | when face shows tiredness and age, with the skin hanging in folds (wychudły, zmizerniały) | |
to pout | to position one's lips in a sexually attractive way (wydymać wargi) | |
to pout | to position one's lips in a look of annoyance (dąsać się) | |
to grimace | to make an expression of pain or strong dislike | |
to scowl at sb | to give a bad-tempred, angry look (popatrzeć gniewnie na kogoś) | |
to leer at sb | to look in unpleasant, sexually interested way (patrzeć lubieżnie) | |
to shrugg one's shoulders | to lift one's shoulders up and down to show one didn't know or couldn't answer | |
to fold ones arms | skrzyżować ręce | |
to bie one's nails | obgryzać paznokcie | |
to pick one's nose | dłubac w nosie | |
to clench one's fist | zaciskać pięść | |
to tap one's fingers | uderzać palcami (np. o stół) | |
gait | the way of walking(chód) | |
to scratch one's head | zachodzić w głowę | |
to raise one's eybrows | unosić brwi | |
to cross one's legs | krzyżowac nogi | |