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gimnazjum - czas Future Simple
autor: sally75
dodaj do moich zestawów
I think Germany will win the next World Cup.I think Germany ______ (win) the next World Cup.
It will get dark at about 4.30 today.It ______ (get) dark at 4.30 today.
It's my father's birthday tomorrow and I can't think what to get him. I know, I'll buy him a book.It's my father's birthday tomorrow and I can't think what to get him. I know, I __ (buy) him a book.
I'll be there at 7.30.I ____ (be) there at 7.30.
I won't let you have that whistle anymore.I _______ (not let) you have that whistle anymore.
Computers will replace teachers.Computers/teachers. (replace)
Most houses will use solar energy.Most houses/solar energy. (use)
Doctors will find a cure for AIDS.Doctors/a cure for AIDS. (find)
Astronauts will land on a new planet.Astronauts/on a new planet. (land)
Most people will drive electric cars.Most people/electric cars. (drive)
Women will earn more money than men.Women/more money than men. (earn)
There won't be as many poor people in the world.There/as many people in the world. (not be)
What would you like to drink? I won't have anything, thanks.What would you like to drink? (Nie chcę nic do picia, dzięki).
Someone's broken in! I'll call the police.Someone's broken in! (Zadzwonię po policję).
We've got lots of different sandwiches. I'll have 2 with tuna and mayonnaise and 2 with cheese.We've got lots of different sandwiches. (Poproszę 2 z tuńczykiem i majonezem oraz 2 z serem żółtym).
Have you decided which shirt you want? Yes, I'll take the blue one.have you decided which shirt you want? (Tak, wezmę tą niebieską).
We're not going to get to the station on time. It's OK. We'll take a taxi.We're not going to get to the station on time. (Spokojnie, weźmiemy taksówkę).
Did you send that email? Oh no! I completely forgot. I'll do it now.Did you send that email? (O nie! Całkiem zapomniałam. Zrobię to teraz).
I've locked my keys inside the house! I know what to do. I'll get in through the bathroom window.I've locked my keys inside the house! I know what to do. (Wejdę do środka przez okno w łazience).
I'm taking a thick sweater because it might be very cold at night.Zabieram gruby sweter ponieważ w nocy może być bardzo zimno.
I'm taking a raincoat because it might rain a lot.Zabieram płaszcz przeciwdeszczowy ponieważ może dużo padać.
I'm taking some CDs because I might not like Sandy's taste in music.Zabieram kilka płyt ponieważ mogę nie lubić muzyki Sandy.
I'm taking a good book because I might want to read on the train.Zabieram dobrą książkę ponieważ mogę zechcieć poczytać w pociągu.
I'm taking my swimming things because there might be a pool in the village.Zabieram moje rzeczy do pływania ponieważ w tej wiosce może być basen.
I'm taking films for my camera because there might not be any at the shop.Zabieram filmy do aparatu ponieważ w tamtejszym sklepie może ich nie być.
I'm taking a can opener because Alex might not remember to bring one.Zabieram otwieracz do puszek ponieważ Alex może zapomnieć go zabrać.
I'm taking a torch because we might go for walks at night.Zabieram latarkę ponieważ może będziemy chodzić na nocne spacery.
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