I think Germany will win the next World Cup. | I think Germany ______ (win) the next World Cup. | |
It will get dark at about 4.30 today. | It ______ (get) dark at 4.30 today. | |
It's my father's birthday tomorrow and I can't think what to get him. I know, I'll buy him a book. | It's my father's birthday tomorrow and I can't think what to get him. I know, I __ (buy) him a book. | |
I'll be there at 7.30. | I ____ (be) there at 7.30. | |
I won't let you have that whistle anymore. | I _______ (not let) you have that whistle anymore. | |
Computers will replace teachers. | Computers/teachers. (replace) | |
Most houses will use solar energy. | Most houses/solar energy. (use) | |
Doctors will find a cure for AIDS. | Doctors/a cure for AIDS. (find) | |
Astronauts will land on a new planet. | Astronauts/on a new planet. (land) | |
Most people will drive electric cars. | Most people/electric cars. (drive) | |
Women will earn more money than men. | Women/more money than men. (earn) | |
There won't be as many poor people in the world. | There/as many people in the world. (not be) | |
What would you like to drink? I won't have anything, thanks. | What would you like to drink? (Nie chcę nic do picia, dzięki). | |
Someone's broken in! I'll call the police. | Someone's broken in! (Zadzwonię po policję). | |
We've got lots of different sandwiches. I'll have 2 with tuna and mayonnaise and 2 with cheese. | We've got lots of different sandwiches. (Poproszę 2 z tuńczykiem i majonezem oraz 2 z serem żółtym). | |
Have you decided which shirt you want? Yes, I'll take the blue one. | have you decided which shirt you want? (Tak, wezmę tą niebieską). | |
We're not going to get to the station on time. It's OK. We'll take a taxi. | We're not going to get to the station on time. (Spokojnie, weźmiemy taksówkę). | |
Did you send that email? Oh no! I completely forgot. I'll do it now. | Did you send that email? (O nie! Całkiem zapomniałam. Zrobię to teraz). | |
I've locked my keys inside the house! I know what to do. I'll get in through the bathroom window. | I've locked my keys inside the house! I know what to do. (Wejdę do środka przez okno w łazience). | |
I'm taking a thick sweater because it might be very cold at night. | Zabieram gruby sweter ponieważ w nocy może być bardzo zimno. | |
I'm taking a raincoat because it might rain a lot. | Zabieram płaszcz przeciwdeszczowy ponieważ może dużo padać. | |
I'm taking some CDs because I might not like Sandy's taste in music. | Zabieram kilka płyt ponieważ mogę nie lubić muzyki Sandy. | |
I'm taking a good book because I might want to read on the train. | Zabieram dobrą książkę ponieważ mogę zechcieć poczytać w pociągu. | |
I'm taking my swimming things because there might be a pool in the village. | Zabieram moje rzeczy do pływania ponieważ w tej wiosce może być basen. | |
I'm taking films for my camera because there might not be any at the shop. | Zabieram filmy do aparatu ponieważ w tamtejszym sklepie może ich nie być. | |
I'm taking a can opener because Alex might not remember to bring one. | Zabieram otwieracz do puszek ponieważ Alex może zapomnieć go zabrać. | |
I'm taking a torch because we might go for walks at night. | Zabieram latarkę ponieważ może będziemy chodzić na nocne spacery. | |