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womarek 22 - all the rage: clothes and fashion
autor: Aoi
dodaj do moich zestawów
scruffdirty and untidy person (niechluj)
pastelpale colours
power outfitsformal clothes to make you seem powerful
frumpyold-fashioned and boring
outfitset of clothes for a particular occasion
dress codesaccepted way of dressing in a particular social group
to dress downwear less formal clothes
smart-casualclothes that are informal but clean, tidy and stylish
dressysuitable for formal occasions
skimpyclose-fitting, using little material
baggyloose clothes, e.g. of sweater
snazzymodern and stylish clothes
to be dressed to killto wear clothes intended to attract people's attention (sexually)
designer (label) clothesmarkowe ciuchy
off the peg/rackciuchy gotowe, z wieszaka
on the high streetciuchy kupione na głównej, reprezentacyjnej ulicy w mieście z drogimi sklepami
all the ragevery fashionable
the height of fashionan extremely fashionable way
up-to-the-minutedealing with the most recent trends
to set a new trendto start a new trend
ahead of one's timeto have new ideas or opinions before they are fashionable
to catch onto become popular
slave of/to fashionstrongly influenced by fashion
off the cuffwithout having prepared anything
to be hand in glove with someoneto have a close working relationship with someone
cloak-and-daggerinvolving secrecy and mystery
to have/take the shirt off someone's backto take someone's last possession
to do sth on a shoestringspending as little as possible
without frillssimple and plain
to put someone in a straitjacketrestrict someone's freedom
to wear the trousers (usually used for woman)to be the dominant partner in a marriage
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