wordki.pl - nauka słówek
kwiecień vol 2
autor: tysiek
to wade throughto walk with an effort/ to try to read sth long and difficult
nemesisdeserved punishment
schadenfreudeunfair enjoyment
to sportto show sth proudly
to comb-overto cover the balding area with remnants of hair
to snicker at sthto laugh at sth in a disdainful manner
to gloat over sbto show selfish delight of one's failure
overbearingforcing others to do things, dominant
on the flyin a hurry, without previous thinking
booba person that doesn't want to learn anything
all-hat-no-cattle leadera person that talks a lot, but cannot buck it off
quantifiablethat can be quantified
perfunctorydone as a duty, without interest and care