wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: adaidziak
the firstpierwszy
the seconddrugi
the thirdtrzeci
the fourthczwarty
the fifthpiąty
the sixthszósty
the seventhsiudmy
the eighthósmy
the ninthdziewiąty
the tenthdziesiąty
the eleventhjedynasty
the twelfthdwunasty
the thirteenthtrzynasty
the fourteenthczternasty
the fifteenthpietnasty
the sixteenthszesnasty
the seventeenthsiedemnasty
the eighteenthosiemnasty
the nineteenthdziewietnasty
the twentiethdwudziesty
the twenty-firstdwudziesty pierwszy
the twenty-second21
the twenty-third23
the thirtieth30
the fourtieth40
the fiftieth50
the sixtieth60
the seventieth70
the eightieth80
the nintieth90
a (one) hundredth100
a (one) hundred and first101
two hundredth200
a (one) thousandth1000
a (one) hundred thousandth100000