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EVU 23 - Homestyles, lifestyles
autor: Kostka
dodaj do moich zestawów
squatan empty building where people start living without the owner's permission
hovelpoor,dirty house or flat in a bad condition
pied a terresmall flat or house in a city owned or rented by people in addition to their main home
penthouseluxury flat at the top of the building
council housingprovided by the state for people who cannot afford to buy their own house
high-rise flatin tall,modern buildings with a lot of floors
granny flatset of rooms for an elderly person, connected to a relative's house
rat raceunpleasant way in which people struggle competitively for wealth or power
feng shuia chinese philosophy
minimalisma style which involves using the smallest possible range of materials,colouring etc.
post-modernisma style involving features from several different periods
New Agea way of life and thinking, includes wide range of believes,activities
subsistence farmingwhere people live by growing just enough food for their own family
a household word/namesomething everyone knowns = tradename
a drink on the housea free drink
home truthsinfromations that is true but not pleasant or welcoming
nothing to write home aboutnothing special
hit homebecome fully understood or fully felt
that's the story of my lifethat's what always happen to me
have the time of your lifehave a wonderful time
get a new lease of lifebecome more energetic and activ than before
a dog's lifea very unhappy and difficult life
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