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EVU 24 - Socialising and networking
autor: Kostka
dodaj do moich zestawów
housewarming partya party to celebrate moving to a new house
lauch (party)a party to celebrate the publication of a new book or product
fancy dress partya party where everyone dresses up in a costume as other people
stag partya party before a wedding for the future husband
girls' night out/ a hen partyan evening just for female friends spend at a restaurant etc before wedding
receptiona formal party, after wedding or to meet an important visitor
black tie or white tie eveningformal party at which men have to wear black bow ties or white ( obowiązują smokingi)
networkingmaking contacts that will be useful to one's business or career
socialisingmeeting people purely for pleasure
old school tie/old boy networkcontacts made by thr children of the traditional ruling class while at ecpensive private school
pro-activetaking action yourself rather than waiting for something to happen
put sb's aboutmake sb visible in the hope of being noticed by someone important
to hobnobto be friendly with someone who is important or famous
to rub shoulders withto mix socially with people who are famous
hang out with/knock around withspend social time with
a bash/d/get-together/booze-upa party
outstaying sb welcomestaying too long
party animalsomeone who loves going to parties
party poopersomeone who spoils parties by being disapproving or miserable
to go clubbinggoing to one or more nightclubs
to go out on townenjoy the entertainments in a town
cliquesmall group of people who spend time together
an itemhaing a romatic relationship
stand sb upfailed to turn up for a dated
drop sbend relationship
go on a pub crawlgo to spend an evening going to several different pubs
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