wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agakr
dowel pegskołki
to assembleskładać
to take the blamewziąć winę na siebie
resource managementzarządzanie zasobami
poorly designedubogo zaprojektowany
meet tosprostać
spare partsczęści zapasowe
marvelzachwycać się
make or breakto help someone or something to be very successful or cause them to fail completely
stakeholdersomebody who is affected by or who has an interest in the succes or activities of a company
take for grantedto expect something always to exist or happen in a particular way
sakethe purpose of doing, getting or achieving something
built-in obsolescencethe practice of making product that will quickly old-fashioned so that people will need to replace t
commitmenta strong belief that something is good and you should support it