contamination | zatrucie |
upmarket | drogi |
dowel pegs | kołki |
to assemble | składać |
to take the blame | wziąć winę na siebie |
briefing | odprawa |
resource management | zarządzanie zasobami |
poorly designed | ubogo zaprojektowany |
meet to | sprostać |
cease | przestać |
spare parts | części zapasowe |
marvel | zachwycać się |
make or break | to help someone or something to be very successful or cause them to fail completely |
stakeholder | somebody who is affected by or who has an interest in the succes or activities of a company |
take for granted | to expect something always to exist or happen in a particular way |
sake | the purpose of doing, getting or achieving something |
built-in obsolescence | the practice of making product that will quickly old-fashioned so that people will need to replace t |
commitment | a strong belief that something is good and you should support it |