arid | dry | |
to be prone to | to tent to have a partivularnegative characteristic | |
drought | period without rain | |
tundra | area in north with no trees and permanently frozen ground | |
vegetation | plant life | |
coniferous | trees that are evergreen and produce cones | |
deciduous | trees that lose their leaves in winter | |
prairies | flat grasslands in Canada or Northern USA | |
steppes | flat grasslands in Asia | |
pampas | flat grasslands in South America | |
paddy fields | fields planted with rice growing in water | |
cereals | type of grass cultivated to produce a grain | |
manufacturing | producing goods in large numbers | |
at the forefront | in an important position | |
to generate | to produce | |
to be descended from | to be related to | |
ancestors | relatives from earlier times | |
descendants | potomkowie | |
migrants | people who move to live in another country | |
emigrant | sb who leaves the country | |
immigrant | sb who moves to live in a country | |
to settle in | to make one's home in | |
coniferous forests | lasy iglaste (collocation) | |
industrial nation | "społeczeństwo przemysłowe" (collocation) | |
chemical industry | przemysł chemiczny (collocation) | |
sugar plantation | plantacja cukru (collocation) | |
plantation | tea, coffee, rubber... (collocation) | |
industry | manufacturing, pharmaceutical, textile... (collocation) | |
forest | deciduous, rain, dense... (collocation) | |
field | oil, wheat, ripe /ready to harvest/... (collocation) | |
nation | civilised, indepentent, sovereign... (collocation) | |
population | populacja | |
outback | słabo zaludnione tereny w Australii (australijski busz) | |
along the coast | wzdłuż wybrzeża | |
remote | odległy | |
to stretch | rozciągać się | |
to flood | zalać | |
farmland | tereny uprawne, rola | |
to make up | składać się na | |
peninsula | półwysep | |
coastline | linia brzegowa | |
fertile | urodzajny, żyzny | |
oases | oazy | |
active volcanoes | aktywne wulkany | |
landscape | krajobraz | |