wordki.pl - nauka słówek
womarek 33 - describing the world
autor: Aguus1988
to be prone toto tent to have a partivularnegative characteristic
droughtperiod without rain
tundraarea in north with no trees and permanently frozen ground
vegetationplant life
coniferoustrees that are evergreen and produce cones
deciduoustrees that lose their leaves in winter
prairiesflat grasslands in Canada or Northern USA
steppesflat grasslands in Asia
pampasflat grasslands in South America
paddy fieldsfields planted with rice growing in water
cerealstype of grass cultivated to produce a grain
manufacturingproducing goods in large numbers
at the forefrontin an important position
to generateto produce
to be descended fromto be related to
ancestorsrelatives from earlier times
migrantspeople who move to live in another country
emigrantsb who leaves the country
immigrantsb who moves to live in a country
to settle into make one's home in
coniferous forestslasy iglaste (collocation)
industrial nation"społeczeństwo przemysłowe" (collocation)
chemical industryprzemysł chemiczny (collocation)
sugar plantationplantacja cukru (collocation)
plantationtea, coffee, rubber... (collocation)
industrymanufacturing, pharmaceutical, textile... (collocation)
forestdeciduous, rain, dense... (collocation)
fieldoil, wheat, ripe /ready to harvest/... (collocation)
nationcivilised, indepentent, sovereign... (collocation)
outbacksłabo zaludnione tereny w Australii (australijski busz)
along the coastwzdłuż wybrzeża
to stretchrozciągać się
to floodzalać
farmlandtereny uprawne, rola
to make upskładać się na
coastlinelinia brzegowa
fertileurodzajny, żyzny
active volcanoesaktywne wulkany