wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
traffic lightsświatła ruchu
pedestrian crossingprzejście dla pieszych
roundaboutrondo (_ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
footbridgekładka dla pieszych
one - way streetjednokierunkowa
cul - de - sacślepa uliczka
roadcan be in the town or country, and usually leads to another town
streetusually in a town; with shops and buildings
pathfor people and animals, can be in the open
subwaya road under another road
underpassfor walking under a road
main roadthe principal throughfare
side - streetless important, usually joins main road
avenuewider than street, with trees
alleygoes between houses and trees
waythe route in general
run overprzejechać kogoś
jaywalkingnieprzepisowe przechodzenie przez ulicę
traffic wardenkierujący ruchem
adjust the mirrorpoprawić lusterko
apply one's brakesnacisnąć hamulce
check the enginesprawdzić silnik
fasten the seat - beltzapiąć pas
dip head lightswłączyć przednie światła
indicate / indicatorswskazywać / kierunkowskazy
overtake two carswyprzedzić dwa samochody
pull upzatrzymać się
release the hand - brakezwolnić ręczny
reversedrive backwards
swervegwałtownie skręcić
skidwpaść w poślizg
start up the enginewłączyć silnik
turn on the wind - screen wiperswłączyć przednie wycieraczki
wind - screen wipersprzednie wycieraczki
escape the crowdgo werethere are not many people
wander off the beaten trackgo to places where tourists don't normally go
get back to naturelive a natural style of life
a promising choicea choice which could be a very good one
boasthelp to list some good qualities
hordescrowds, negative
tourism sectortourist idustry (formal)
seek something out of the ordinarylook for sth unusual
wealth oflarge amount of
large vast hugecollocations for "tract"
virginoriginal & natural
flora & faunaplants & animals
eco - tourismholidays that respect the environment
rechargeget back your energy
the bushwild, tree- or grass-covered areas of Africa and Australia
4 x 4 (four by four)vehicles with driving power on all four wheels
waterfronton the edge of the sea or of the river
discerningwymagający (_ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
stunningextremely beautiful
unbeatableur company is ... . No other company can offer cheaper trips.
awe - inspiringit fills you with a sense of the power and beauty
ramblelong, pleasant walk
hikemore demanding than ramble
trekwalk; usually of several days over wild country
scheduled flightnormal, regular flight
charter flightspecial flight; when a group of people is taken to the same holiday destination
apex farehas to be booked in advance
value for moneywart swojej ceny
budget farecheaper fare
non - refundableyou can't get your money back
cancellation feekara za anulowanie rezerwaci
stopoverprzerwa w podróży (np. na nocleg)
all - in packagesnormally include accomodation and transfers
transferse.g. a bus or a coach to and from your hotel
crossinga jorney by a ferry
holiday of a lifetimeholiday that you will always remember
berth in a shared cabina bed in a cabin with other people
upper deckthe higher part of the ship
exoticunusual or exciting
get away from it allescape your daily life and routines
getting aroundinfml. travelling to different places
unlimited mileageyou can travel as many miles as you like
extrasairport taxes, insurance, etc.
go as you pleasego where you want when you want
car hirewynajem samochodu
self - cateringyou do your own cooking
chaletsmall cottage or cabin
guest housesprivate homes offering high standard of accomodation
innsimilar to pub, but also offering accomodation
half boardbreakfast & one other meal
full boardall meals included
to rough itżyć w prymitywnych warunkach
to lounge aroundto be lazy
learning experiencepouczające doświadczenie
cosy atmosphereprzytulna atmosfera
exhilarating experienceekscytujące doświadczenie
to keep on the movebyć w ciągłym ruchu
to be your own bossbyć sobie panem
to be out in the wildsbyć w dziczy -,-
to sleep under the starsspać pod gołym niebem
just drift alongwałęsać się bez celu
spend a fortune on entrance feeswydać majątek na wpisowe
Don't cross my path againDon't disagree with me or make my life difficult again
He's leading you up the garden pathHe is fooling you
The play should be right up our streetIt should be a kind of play we like
We're streets ahead of the competitionWe have a definite advantage over the others
We've come to a parting of the waysWe should split up
Let's get this show on the roadWhy don't we start now?
If you stand in my way, I'll run your careerYou oppose me and I'll make your job difficult
It's time you went your own wayYou should do things on your own
tailbackkorek, wężyk samochodów (jadących)
alternative routeinna droga
slip roaddroga dojazdowa
clockwisezgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara
anti - clockwiseprzeciwnie do ruchu wskazówek zegara
re - surfacekłaść nową nawierzchnię
contraflowtymczasowy ruch dwukierunkowy na jezdni jednokierunkowej
roadworksroboty drogowe
central reservationoddziela od siebie dwa pasy jezdni (przeciwległe)
crash barrierbarierka zabezpieczająca
motorway service area (service station)stacja ze wszystkim..
fast lanepasmo jazdy szybkiej
bypassobwodnica (_ _ p _ _ _)
dual carriagewayjezdnia dwupasmowa
ring roadobwodnica (2 słowa)
lay byzatoczka
grass vergepas zieleni (z zewnątrz)
hard shoulderpobocze
unclassified roadsdrogi nieklasyfikowane
conk outzepsuć się
pelican crossingprzejście dla pieszych z przyciskiem
back - seat driverktoś, kto poucza kierowcę
pull overzjeżdżać na bok
cyclejechać rowerem
spinobracać się
slow downzwolnić (2 słowa)
draw awayoddalić się
speed upprzysieszyć (2 słowa)
give wayustąpić pierwszeństwa przejazdu
give - way signZnak: ustąp pierwszeństwa przejazdu
have the right of waymić pierwszeństwo przejazdu
sound / hoot/ toot the hornzatrąbić
jump a red lightprzejechać na czerwonym świetle
reckless drivingdangerous driving
drink - drivingjazda po pijanemu
hit - and - runrunning over or into sb and not stopping
banremoval of one's driving licence
penalty pointspunkty karne
on - the - spot finemandat
exhaust emissionswaste gases
roadworthyin a condition that it can be driven safely
tyre treadthe depth of the grooves in the tyre rubber
pile - upcrash between several or many cars
divertedzawrócony ("zostaliśmy zawróceni")
towaway zonearea where your car can be taken away if you park illegally
clamped carsamochód z założoną blokadą
wheel clampblokada na koła
road rageviolence between drivers
head - on collisionzderzenie czołowe
air bagspoduszki powietrzne
behind the wheelza kółkiem
savoura word typically used in adv. meaning "enjoy"
heartlandthe island areas further away from the sea or from borders with other countries