wordki.pl - nauka słówek
education & work
autor: agn231
past papersexam papers from previous years
learn off by heartuczyć się na pamięć
rote - learninglearning purely by repetition
mnemonicstrics that can help you remember something
bury yourself in your booksspend the max. time studying
know the subject inside outknow the subject completely
compositioncould be just 50-100 words, often used to refer to children's work
essaylonger than a composition, more serious, hundreds or thousands of words
assignmenta long essay, often part of a course, usually thousands of words
projectlike an assignment, but emphasis on student's own material and topic
portfolioa collection of individual pieces of work, not necessarily written
dissertationrozprawa; a long, research - based work, 10 - 15,000 words, for a degree or diploma
thesisa very long, original, research - based work, perhaps 80 - 100,000 words, for a higher degree
mind - mapmapa myśli
first draftfirst, rough version of an essay
write upprzepisać na czysto
deadlinedate by which you must hand in the work
submitprzedstawić, złożyć, oddać (1 słowo)
hand inprzedstawić, złożyć, oddać (2 słowa)
assessevaluate and give a grade
feedbackcomments from the teacher / tutor
carry out researchdo research
academic journalsmagazyny akademickie
papers / articlesartykuły
inter - library loana system where libraries exchange books etc. with one another
drop outleave the course before the end
finalsthe last exams before receiving a degree
fall behind with your studiesfind yourself far behind other students
breeze through the examsdo exams calmly and efficiently
get the hang of somethingunderstand something
my mind went blankmy mind became empty
equality of opportunityeveryone has the same chances
selective schoolingpupils take exams for entry
comprehensive schoolingeveryone enters without exams
elitismwhen you favour a small, privileged group
inherent inexisting as a basic part of something
league tableslists of schools from the best down to the worst
perpetuatemake something continue forever
two - tier systema system with two separate levels, one of which is better than the other
better - offricher
well - endowedreceiving a lot of money in grants, gifts from rich people etc.
less well - offpoorer
excelachieve an excellent standard
schoolingeducation received at school
the three Rsreading, writing, arithmetic
reading, writing, arithmeticthe three Rs
literacythe ability to read
numeracythe ability to count / do basic maths
curriculum reformchanges in the educational programme
lifelong / continuing educationeducation for all ages
mature studentsadult students older than the average students
special needs educationeducation for children who can't learn in the normal way
one - to - oneone teacher and one pupil
bullyfrighten, threaten
Parent - Teach Associationa group consisting of teachers abd parents who meet regularly
school governorsgroup which oversees all the business at school
supply teacherteacher who works in a school when needed
peripatetic teacherteacher who works in different schools and travels between them
labelprzypiąć etykietkę
inferiority complexkompleks niższości
skipopuścić stronę
skim"omieść wzrokiem" stronę
flip throughprzekartkować
look up a dictionarysprawdzić w słowniku ?
dip intoprzeglądać (np. książkę)
browsewyszukiwać (w liście)
wade throughKielawski -,- przedzierać się przez tekst
peruseczytać dokładnie, studiować
read from cover to coverczytać od deski do deski
blurbnotatka reklamowa
frontispiecerysunek na stronie tytułowej
keyklucz odpowiedzi
vocational trainingszkolenie zawodowe
stand - inzastępstwo
opposite numbera person who does the same job
working relationshipcommunication and cooperation
good rapportgood communication
workmatesinformal - colleagues
talk shopinformal - talk about work
hierarchicala structure with more powerful and less powerful people
pecking - ordera system where some people have the right to get promotion before the others
job - shareeach person has a 50% contract for the same job
clock in and clock outuse an electronic card to record the time you arrive and leave
9 - to - 5 jobstałe godziny pracy
work flexi - time / be on flexi - timemieć elastyczne godziny pracy
do shift work / be a shift workerpracować na zmiany
self - employmentsamozatrudnienie
be freelance / work freelancebyć niezależnym, pracować w wielu różnych miejscach
meet a deadlinehave something finished by a fixed day or time
heavy workloadamount of work to do
day shiftdzienna zmiana
mechanicalyou don't have to think about what you're doing
repetitivethe same thing every day
knock offfinish work, informal
glamorousexciting, admired
irregular and antisocial hourshours that don't enable one to have a normal social life
stuck behind a deskcz. przeszły?; stay in an office all day
stress levelpoziom stresu
be stuck in a rutstuck in a job you can't escape from
dead - end jobjob with no prospects of promotion
paperworkpraca papierkowa
manual workhard and physical work
vocational workwork which helps people
assembly - line workerpracownik produkcji taśmowej
shop stewardprzedstawiciel związków zawodowych w fabryce
PR officerrzecznik prasowy
lifeguardratownik wodny
trawlermanrybak na jakiejś specjalnej łodzi
private eyeprywatny detektyw
refuse collectorwywożący śmieci
achievera person determined to succeed and acheve great things
(Pound) 30 kthirty thousand pounds
basicguaranteed minimum salary without overtime or bonuses
drivestrong motivation
rewardinggiving you a lot back
close - knitworking in a close relationship
diverseof different types
sales experienceexperience in selling things
fit the descriptionhave proper qualities
lucrativeproducing a lot of money
motivated and eager personosoba chętna i pełna motywacji
to seek a cereer inchcieć dostać posadę, zrobić karierę w...
toto look ... work in sth
maternity / paternity leaveurlop macierzyński, ojcowski
perksinformal. extra things apart from salary
extra benefitsformal. extra things apart from salary
holiday entitlementuprawnienie do urlopu
salary incrementsincreases / rises of the salary
reach / hit a glass ceilingreach a level where you can't get further promotion even if you deserve it
overworked... and underpaid
underpaidoverworked and ...
to be snowed underbyć zawalonym papierkową robotą
to be demotedbyć zdegradowanym
to be passed over for promotionbyć pominiętym przy promocjach
to get turned down for a jobnie zostać przyjętym do pracy
to be short - listed for a jobbyć na ostatecznej liście kandydatów do pracy
to be a high - flyermieć szanse na sukces
hosewąż strażacki
rolling pinwałek do ciasta
spannerklucz maszynowy
exposure meterświatłomierz
lapelklapa (w marynarce)
flaredposzerzany ku dołowi
carrier bagreklamówka
regimentationpoddanie się dyscyplinie
aspiredążyć do czegoś
solicitorradca prawny
auxiliary workerrobotnik pomocniczy
dog - breederhodowca psów
piano - tunerstroiciel pianin
scrap metal dealerhandlarz złomem
merchantkupiec, handlowiec
window installer"wstawiacz" okien
moving companyfirma przewozowa
would - beniedoszły
time and a halfpay for a job with half the usual pay added on to it
travel allowancea sum allowed for travel
Christmas bonusświąteczny dodatek
well - offdobrze wyposażony