great-grandparents | pra dziadkowie |
your grandparents' parents | great-grandparents definition |
an only child | jedynak |
a child who doesn't have any brothers or sisters | an only child definition |
single-parent family | rodzic samotnie wychowujący dzieci |
families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his/her own | single parent families definition |
cousin | kuzyn |
your uncle's or aunt's children | cousins definition |
in-laws | rodzina twojej żony/męża |
the family of your husband/wife | in-laws definition |
extended family | rodzina wielopokoleniowa |
all your relatives including aunts, grandparents, etc. | extended family definition |
great-great-grandparents | pra pra dziadkowie |
your grandparents' grandparents | great-great-grandparents definition |
half-brother | brat przyrodni |
boys who have the same father as you but a different mother | half-brothers definition |
stepmother | macocha |
the new wife of your father | stepmother definition |
couple | para |
people who are having a relationship | couple definition |
nuclear family | podstawowa komórka rodzinna |
these are children who get merried, divorce and return to live with their parents | boomerang children definition |
boomerang children | dorosłe dzieci, które po rozwodzie ponownie mieszkają z rodzicami |
consist of | składać się z |
shape | kształt |
prediction | przepowiednia |
as a result | w rezultacie |
isolated from | odizolowany od |
selfish | egoistyczny |
introverted | zamtnięty w sobie |
extrovert | ekstrawertyk |
co-owner | współwłaściciel |