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womarek 34 - weather and climate
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
freezing, nappychilly (more informal) x2
boiling, sweltering, roastinghot (more informal) x3
blowy, breezywindy (more informal) x2
stifling, heavy, closeoppresive , sultry/parny/ (more informal) x2
(it is) chucking it down, pouring(what a) downpour, deluge /potop, zalew/ (more informal) x2
muggy, clammyhumid
climate of distrustklimat braku zaufania
climate of changeklimat zmiany
cultural climateklimat kulturowy (collocation)
current climateobecny klimat (collocation)
economic climateklimat ekonomiczny (collocation)
financial climateklimat finansowy (collocation)
moral climateklimat moralny (collocation)
political climateklimat polityczny (collocation)
social climateklimat społeczny (collocation)
prevailing climatepanujący klimat (collocation)
sunny dispositionradosny nastrój (hardly ever miserable)
sunnyjob prospects are (~dobre)
frosty receptionchłodne przyjęcie (our plans met with a...)
icilyto say sth... (lodowato)
to be snowed under with workto be not able to get through all work in time
under a cloud (of suspicion)pod chmurką (podejrzenia)
to cloud one's judgementmydlić czyjś osąd / opinię
hail of bulletsgrad kul (soldiers were hit with a...)
a haill / storm of abuseburza wyzwisk (x2)
to be in hazebyć otumanionym
a hazy ideamgliste pojęcie (...what you mean)
in the mists ofwe mgle/ w oparach (... history)
misty-eyedshe looked at him... (clearly in love)
whirlwind (of speculation)wir (spekulacji)
whirlwind romanceszybki / przelotny (??) romans
thunderedthe horses ... down the race track
thunderous applausegromkie brawa
thunderydescribes stormy weather
thunderousdescribes a loud noise
winds of change"wiatry zmian"
winds of discontent"wiatry neizadowolenia"
winds of democracy"wiatry demokracji"
sunnypleasant and positive
frostydescribes coldness
icilydescribes coldness and ihnospitableness
snowed undercovered with a great amount of sth
whirlwindrapid, mowing quickly
haillots of hard things that one can't stop or escape from
under a cloudnot bright and cheerful, sth hidden
in a hazelack of clearness
to thunder"to have" loud, deep voice
mild climatełagodny klimat
harsh climatesurowy klimat
prevailing windswiatry przeważające
prevailing view / opinionpanujący pogląd
prevailing moodpanujący nastrój
to cloud the horizon"przyćmić horyzont"
the winds of recession"wiatry zastoju"
a frosty glange / lookmroźne spojrzenie
a frosty responsemroźna odpowiedź
a hail of insultslawina zniewag
mean temperatureaverage temperature
elevationheight above sea level
latitudedistance from the equator (szer. geogr.)
precipitationrain and snow (opady atmosferyczne)
solar radiationrays from the sun (prom. słoneczne)
to moderateto make less extreme
continentalsituated very far from the sea
seasonalitydiffering weather conditions at different times of the year
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