freezing, nappy | chilly (more informal) x2 | |
boiling, sweltering, roasting | hot (more informal) x3 | |
blowy, breezy | windy (more informal) x2 | |
stifling, heavy, close | oppresive , sultry/parny/ (more informal) x2 | |
(it is) chucking it down, pouring | (what a) downpour, deluge /potop, zalew/ (more informal) x2 | |
muggy, clammy | humid | |
climate of distrust | klimat braku zaufania | |
climate of change | klimat zmiany | |
cultural climate | klimat kulturowy (collocation) | |
current climate | obecny klimat (collocation) | |
economic climate | klimat ekonomiczny (collocation) | |
financial climate | klimat finansowy (collocation) | |
moral climate | klimat moralny (collocation) | |
political climate | klimat polityczny (collocation) | |
social climate | klimat społeczny (collocation) | |
prevailing climate | panujący klimat (collocation) | |
sunny disposition | radosny nastrój (hardly ever miserable) | |
sunny | job prospects are (~dobre) | |
frosty reception | chłodne przyjęcie (our plans met with a...) | |
icily | to say sth... (lodowato) | |
to be snowed under with work | to be not able to get through all work in time | |
under a cloud (of suspicion) | pod chmurką (podejrzenia) | |
to cloud one's judgement | mydlić czyjś osąd / opinię | |
hail of bullets | grad kul (soldiers were hit with a...) | |
a haill / storm of abuse | burza wyzwisk (x2) | |
to be in haze | być otumanionym | |
a hazy idea | mgliste pojęcie (...what you mean) | |
in the mists of | we mgle/ w oparach (... history) | |
misty-eyed | she looked at him... (clearly in love) | |
whirlwind (of speculation) | wir (spekulacji) | |
whirlwind romance | szybki / przelotny (??) romans | |
thundered | the horses ... down the race track | |
thunderous applause | gromkie brawa | |
thundery | describes stormy weather | |
thunderous | describes a loud noise | |
winds of change | "wiatry zmian" | |
winds of discontent | "wiatry neizadowolenia" | |
winds of democracy | "wiatry demokracji" | |
sunny | pleasant and positive | |
frosty | describes coldness | |
icily | describes coldness and ihnospitableness | |
snowed under | covered with a great amount of sth | |
whirlwind | rapid, mowing quickly | |
hail | lots of hard things that one can't stop or escape from | |
under a cloud | not bright and cheerful, sth hidden | |
in a haze | lack of clearness | |
to thunder | "to have" loud, deep voice | |
mild climate | łagodny klimat | |
harsh climate | surowy klimat | |
prevailing winds | wiatry przeważające | |
prevailing view / opinion | panujący pogląd | |
prevailing mood | panujący nastrój | |
to cloud the horizon | "przyćmić horyzont" | |
the winds of recession | "wiatry zastoju" | |
a frosty glange / look | mroźne spojrzenie | |
a frosty response | mroźna odpowiedź | |
a hail of insults | lawina zniewag | |
mean temperature | average temperature | |
arid | dry | |
elevation | height above sea level | |
latitude | distance from the equator (szer. geogr.) | |
precipitation | rain and snow (opady atmosferyczne) | |
solar radiation | rays from the sun (prom. słoneczne) | |
to moderate | to make less extreme | |
continental | situated very far from the sea | |
seasonality | differing weather conditions at different times of the year | |