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womarek 35 - buildings in methaphors
autor: Aguus1988
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to cement relationsumocnić stosunki
brick wallmur z cegieł
to come up against a brick wallto not be able to continue an activity or do something you want to do/ to come up against a barrier
to put a ceilingustanowić limit
glass ceilingan invisible barrier that stops poeple from rising to top position at work
to go through the roofabout prices - to increase in a rapid, uncontrolled fashion
to go through the roofabout people - to loose one's temper
to hit the roofto lose one's temper / can also be used about prices going high/
to live in ivory towernot to know about the unpleasan and ordinary things that happen in life
to be a tower of strengthto be extremely strong (in emotional rather than physical sense)
to towe above sth/sbto be either outstandingly tall or outstanding in some other positive way
to be a gateway toto provide access to
to close/shut (open) the door for sbzamknąć(otworzyć) przed kimś drzwi (in methaphorical sense)
to close the door on one's pastzamknąć za sobą przeszłość
to do sth through/by the back doorto do sth unofficially
to provide/hold the key tonieść klucz do... (in methaphorical sense)
to be the key to successbyć kluczem do sukcesu
key figuregruba ryba, szycha, ważna osobistość; główny bohater
key roległowna/ważna rola (strong collocation)
key decisiongłowna/ważna decyzja (strong collocation)
key reasongłówny/ważny powód (strong collocation)
key differencegłowna/ważna różnica (strong collocation)
key elementgłówny składnik (strong collocation)
key factorgłówny czynnik (strong collocation)
key featuregłówna cecha (strong collocation)
key issuegłowna/ważna sprawa (strong collocation)
key momentkluczowy moment (strong collocation)
key partgłówna część/rola (strong collocation)
key playergłówny/ważny gracz (strong collocation)
key pointważny punkt (strong collocation)
key questionkluczowe pytanie (strong collocation)
key areagłówny teren (strong collocation)
the roof fell in on one's world"ich świat się zawalił"
to be atower of strengthto be enormously supportive
through/by the back doorin an unofficial way
there is/ it has a ceiling ofcannot be more than
has gone through the roofhas risen dramatically
cements a marriagemakes a marriage stronger
the gateway tothe ideal place for starting to explore
the key decisionthe most important decision
in an ivory towerin one university or another (and find it difficult to cope in the real world)
has been locked in a legal battlehas been ...(involved in) a legal battle
to be met with a wall of silenceto be met with ... (total silence)
to lay the foundations forto... (provide the starting point for)
her eyes were locked on mine...her eyes were ... (firmly fixed on mine)
to find one's marriage in ruinsto find one's marriage ... (had completely broken down)
to clean up its own back yardto put things right in its own immediate sphere of influence
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