cement | cement | |
to cement relations | umocnić stosunki | |
brick wall | mur z cegieł | |
to come up against a brick wall | to not be able to continue an activity or do something you want to do/ to come up against a barrier | |
to put a ceiling | ustanowić limit | |
glass ceiling | an invisible barrier that stops poeple from rising to top position at work | |
to go through the roof | about prices - to increase in a rapid, uncontrolled fashion | |
to go through the roof | about people - to loose one's temper | |
to hit the roof | to lose one's temper / can also be used about prices going high/ | |
to live in ivory tower | not to know about the unpleasan and ordinary things that happen in life | |
to be a tower of strength | to be extremely strong (in emotional rather than physical sense) | |
to towe above sth/sb | to be either outstandingly tall or outstanding in some other positive way | |
to be a gateway to | to provide access to | |
to close/shut (open) the door for sb | zamknąć(otworzyć) przed kimś drzwi (in methaphorical sense) | |
to close the door on one's past | zamknąć za sobą przeszłość | |
to do sth through/by the back door | to do sth unofficially | |
to provide/hold the key to | nieść klucz do... (in methaphorical sense) | |
to be the key to success | być kluczem do sukcesu | |
key figure | gruba ryba, szycha, ważna osobistość; główny bohater | |
key role | głowna/ważna rola (strong collocation) | |
key decision | głowna/ważna decyzja (strong collocation) | |
key reason | główny/ważny powód (strong collocation) | |
key difference | głowna/ważna różnica (strong collocation) | |
key element | główny składnik (strong collocation) | |
key factor | główny czynnik (strong collocation) | |
key feature | główna cecha (strong collocation) | |
key issue | głowna/ważna sprawa (strong collocation) | |
key moment | kluczowy moment (strong collocation) | |
key part | główna część/rola (strong collocation) | |
key player | główny/ważny gracz (strong collocation) | |
key point | ważny punkt (strong collocation) | |
key question | kluczowe pytanie (strong collocation) | |
key area | główny teren (strong collocation) | |
the roof fell in on one's world | "ich świat się zawalił" | |
to be atower of strength | to be enormously supportive | |
through/by the back door | in an unofficial way | |
there is/ it has a ceiling of | cannot be more than | |
has gone through the roof | has risen dramatically | |
cements a marriage | makes a marriage stronger | |
the gateway to | the ideal place for starting to explore | |
the key decision | the most important decision | |
in an ivory tower | in one university or another (and find it difficult to cope in the real world) | |
has been locked in a legal battle | has been ...(involved in) a legal battle | |
to be met with a wall of silence | to be met with ... (total silence) | |
to lay the foundations for | to... (provide the starting point for) | |
her eyes were locked on mine... | her eyes were ... (firmly fixed on mine) | |
to find one's marriage in ruins | to find one's marriage ... (had completely broken down) | |
to clean up its own back yard | to put things right in its own immediate sphere of influence | |