wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 1
autor: tysiek
therebyby that means
to ruptureto break, to burst
gratificationthe state of being pleased or satisfied
to warrantto guarantee/ to justify/ to deserve
teensyvery little
easela wooden frame for holding a picture
to glistento sparkle, to shine
to dripto fall in drops
gravelsmall, round stones used on the surface of paths
dignityquality that deserves respect
eavesoverhanging, lower edge of the roof
supremeexcellent, most important
darn niceextremely nice
to sit on sb's lapto sit on the part of sb's leg, knee
an outcomea final result
glooman instance of being dark and dull
to uncoverto make sth visible
to unfoldto develop fully
to undoto compensate
placidpeaceful, calm
paramounthaving the greatest importance
eminentfamous and distinguished
to terminateto finish
to ceaseto stop
to concedeto admit
to conform to sthto obey
to compromise with sbto reach a compromis
pointera piece of advice
prohibitivetoo high for many people to afford