wordki.pl - nauka słówek
kartka test 1
autor: tysiek
delinquenta young person who has broken the law
invigilatorsb who supervises the people taking an examination
oculista doctor who specialises in treating eye diseases
prudesb who is easily shocked by things relating to sex
stalwartloyal supporter of an organisation or political party
vandalsb who deliberately damages public property
actuarysb who advises insurance companies on how much to charge for insurance
boorsb who behaves in a coarse, bad-mannered way
pallbearersb who walks beside or helps to carry a coffin at a funeral
puntersb who bets money on horse races
vagrantsb who has no home, begging or stealing
taxidermistsb who cleans the skins of animals, stuffs and mounts them
adjudicatorsb who is appointed to judge in a competition
conscientious objectorsb who refuses to serve in the armed forces
teetotallersb who never drinks alcohol
bigotsb who has strong opinions about religion, race or politics and is intolerant
executorsb who carries out the orders in a will
tyranta ruler who has absolute power
charlatansb who deceives others
lackeysb who follows another person's orders without questioning them
pawnbrokera person who will lend you money in return for ex. a watch
squattersb who enters and lives in unoccupied property