wordki.pl - nauka słówek
programowanie -
autor: fipik
string s(cp);initialize a string from the null-terminated C-style string pointed to by cp
getline(is, s);Reads characters up to the first newline from input stream is into s
defines a new interface on top of an underlying;takes a container and makes it into a stackexplain an ADAPTOR
queue, priority_queue (#include <queue> for both), and stackthree sequential container adaptors
a vector, list, or dequewhat are the sequential containers
stack (vector,list,Ddeque), queue (push_front- list,Ddeque) pio_que(random access Dvector or deque)what can you build a stack, a queue and a priority_queue on?
pair<string, string> anon; pair<string, string> author("James", "Joyce")construct a pair that holds two strings Joyce and John
make_pair(first,last);equivalent to pair<string, string>(first, last); // but types are inferred
elements are stored and retrieved by a key;may contain only a single el with given keydescribe ASSOCIATIVE CONTAINERS
map, and set2 primary associative containers
cannot be defined from a size no way to know what values to give the keyscan we define ass containers using size?
map<string, int> word_count;// empty map from string to int , indexed by string
the key type must define the < operator (comparison function)what is the requirement on the key type?
map<K, V>::value_type = e.g. pair<const string, int>how to retrieve a pair that holds the key and value of a given element
a pointer to an elementiterator is simply..
map<string, int>::iterator map_it = word_count.begin();*map_it is a reference to a pair<const string, int> object[map_it->first; // the key for this elemen
word_count.insert(map<string, int>::value_type("Anna", 1)); or use make_pairinsert an element to a map
word_count["Anna"] = 1; // value is iniitialize to 0, pair inserted;then fetched and given 1// insert default initialzed element with key Anna; then assign 1 to its value
int occurs = word_count["foobar"];retrieve a value from map word_count with key "foobar"
m.count(k) (useful for multimaps); m.find(k); (returns an iterator; end iterator if not present)how to check if the key is present (and how to check if it exists and then maybe use it?)
erase on seq containers return an iterator to the next element; erase on map return voidwhat's the difference in behaviour of erase operations on map and on seq containers
m.erase(k); returns a size_type count of how many elements were removed! can be used in if(...)how to delete a single element on map and whats the return type
..::const_iterator map_it=w.begin() while (map_it != word_count.end()) {map_it->first ++map_it;}how to traverse a map;Like any other container map has begin and end op tht yield iterators;