a natural disaster | klęska żywiołowa | |
the earthquake struck | nastąpiło trzęsienie ziemi | |
to result in | zaskutkować czymś | |
a loss of life | utrata życia (ofiara śmiertelna w wypadku) | |
to be capable od sth | to be able to do sth | |
the vast majority | przeważająca większość | |
to come about | to happen | |
a fatality | sb's death | |
a building collapsed | budynek zawalił się | |
to avert | to prevent from happening | |
an upshot | a result | |
to trigger off sth | to cause/ to start sth | |
a chain reaction | reakcja łańcuchowa | |
a factor | czynnik | |
troublesome | problematyczny | |
truthful | prawdomówny | |
division | podział | |
disapproval | dezaprobata | |
hazardous | risky | |
length | długość | |
doubtful | wątpliwy | |
on the house | na koszt firmy | |
at any cost | za wszelką cenę | |
in advance | z dużym wyprzedzeniem | |
interest in sth | zainteresowanie czymś | |
to be angry at/with sb | być na kogoś złym | |
for | except ... | |
from | apart ... | |
with ... of | ... the exception ... | |
to lose your patience with sb | stracić do kogoś cierplliwość | |
to help oneself to sth | poczęstować się czymś | |
to be awarded sth | zostać nagrodzonym | |
to disturb sb | przeszkadzać komuś | |
to have skills at sth | mieć w czymś (w jakimś temacie) umiejętności | |
to pay a visit to sb | złożyć komuś wizytę | |
disregard of sth | lekceważenie czegoś | |
to catch sight of sb | to catch a glimpse of sb | |
to neglect your duties | zaniedbywać swoje obowiązki | |
to take sb hostage | wziąć kogoś za zakładnika | |
to keep sb company | dotrzymywać komuś towarzystwa | |
to be incapable of sth | to be unable to do sth | |
innate | inborn | |
vital | main, crucial, significant, essential | |
explicit | obvious | |
inquiry | research | |
to bear out | to confirm | |
to condition | to determine | |
to manifest | to show/ reflect | |
allegedly | rzekomo (supposedly) | |
to favour | to prefer | |
a mate | a partner | |
a hue | a shade | |
a progeny | an offspring | |
forebears | ancestors | |
to display | to show | |
to incline | to tend | |
captivating | charming | |
attendance | to attend -> noun | |
lasting | to last -> adjective | |
advantageous | advantage -> adjective | |
destruction | to destroy -> noun | |
growth | to grow -> noun | |
irrelevant | relevant (opposite) | |
sufficient | insufficient (opposite) | |
disobedience | misconduct | |
invention | wynalazek | |
a standing ovation | owacje na stojąco | |
invaluable help | nieoceniona pomoc | |
pointless | bezsensowny | |
excitement | podekscytowanie | |
pleasure | przyjemność | |
to be in possession of sth | to own sth | |
to drop off | to become less intense | |
to work out | to calculate | |
to put up with sth | to tollerate sth | |
to do with sth | obejść się z czymś | |
they all go off (hihi) | what do bombs, alarms and guns have in common? | |
to lie down on the job | to be lazy at the job | |
to settle down somewhere | osiąść na stałe | |
to jump at the opportunity | wykorzystać szansę | |
to pass up the opportunity | nie wykorzystać szansy | |
to take after somebody | to look like sb ('inherit' an appearance) | |
to tick sb off | to tell sb off (to make someone angry) | |
He got away without reading the book. | Nieprzeczytanie książki uszło mu na sucho. | |
at long last | w końcu | |
to come off age | to turn 18 | |
to find fault with sth | szukać dziury w całym | |
out of order | zepsuty | |
to be in the lead | przewodzić | |
on the dot | punctually | |
love at first sight | miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia | |
for sale | na sprzedaż | |
to come out in a rash | dostać wysypki | |
to be in/ out of luck | (nie) mieć szczęście/a | |
at hand | near, comming | |
on average | około, mniej więcej | |
sb's strongest point | czyjś konik/ atut | |
it's raining cats and dogs | leje jak z cebra | |
to take pride in sth | to pride yourself on sth | |
to smoke like a chimney | palić jak lokomotywa | |