wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 1
autor: tysiek
to quipto make witty or sarcastic remarks
to debunkto prove that sb's fame or achievements are not fully justified
to mete sth out to sbto give or to administer
writ largeobvious/ very recognizable
hard-nosedtough and unyielding
to be riddled with sthto be full of sth
hoaxa mischievous joke
cast-ironso strong that cannot be questioned
hubrisarrogant pride
think-tanka group of specialists called for some political bodies to solve a problem
to pen outto turn out to be sth or to develop
flukea thing that is accidentally successful
inherentunavoidable, inseparable
ambiguousuncertain, having doubts
astoundingastonishing, surprising
benignmild, gentle
bizarreodd, eccentric
boisterousrough and noisy
cumbersomeawkward/ too heavy, large
obnoxioushorribly unpleasant
plausibleprobable, reasonable
precariousinsecure, depending on chance
shrewdsmart, wise
viablepossible to operate, likely to survive on its own