wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 2
autor: tysiek
clairvoyantsb that can see the future
forebodingthinking that sth bad will happen
to indictto charge sb officially
discrepancya small difference
turmoilgreat disturbance, confusion
adveristymisfortune, unfortunate conditions
to beholdto see sth extraordinary
sordiddirty, unpleasant
palpablethat can be touched, felt
to rejuvenateto restore youthful appearance
to animateto make sth look like moving
to resuscitateto bring to life
memorabiliavaluable objects connected with sth
to dispelto cause to vanish
to deprecateto lower the quality of sth
to deferto delay, to postpone
to disparageto slander
to dispenseto manage without sth
to dissentto have a different opinion
to disentangleto free sth of knot
to renounceto repudiate, to give up (zrzec się)
pleaobjection, allegation
recoursepossible source of help
tangiblethat can be touched, felt