wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 3
autor: tysiek
to lickto taste with your tongue
wackoa strange, eccentric person
premisea statement/ the area of a company
calloushardened, cruelly insensitive
cloutpower, influence
outrageextreme anger (esp. public)
to foist sth upon sbto force sb to accept sth
to evolve out of sthto develop from sth naturally and gradually
to be endowed with sthto be given naturally/ to give sb money or property
to be entitled to sthto have the right to get sth
to vest sb with sthto give sth as a firm, legal right
capacityvolume/ ability
to assertto state clearly, to ensure
morona stupid person
to avail oneself of sthto make use of sth
secularnot connected with sacred matters
rationalbased on thinking, sensible, logical
to concedeto admit
to ponderto muse
discursivewandering from one point to another
to positto postulate/ to assume sth as a fact
to purveyto supply, to provide ex. goods
to accordto give/ to grant/ to agree
to redressto compensate
to redress the balanceto make things equal again
humanelykindly etc.