wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 4
autor: tysiek
to prostrate oneselfto throw oneself on the floor and lie face down
insularnarrow-minded and avoiding contact with others
martineta person that imposes a discipline and demands obedience from others
ignominiouscausing despair, shame, humiliating
ignominyhumiliation, disgrace
to crumpleto cause sth to be pressed into folds/ to collapse
to do sth on endto do sth continually
toweringextremely tall/ intense, extreme
rift in stha break, gap/ serious disagreement
overridingmore important than everything else
a blot on the landscapesth that is ugly
to plough backto reinvest
from scratchfrom the very beginning
to go Dutchto share expenses
to level sth against sbto bring sth against sb
to standto buy
to get a word in edgewaysto interrupt
to reshuffleto change the order of sth
slapstickbased on comic situations
party walla wall that divides houses
to be in for a rude awakeningto realise suddenly that things don't look so good
pretty pennya lot of money
a chip on one's shoulderto be angry because one doesn't get what he deserves
relapsea change for the worse
to get the hang of sthto learn how to do sth well
to slaughterto exterminate
gruesomemacabre, terrible
to dwindleto become less or fewer
to cullto kill weaker animals
to strayto ramble