wordki.pl - nauka słówek
roczny 1
autor: tysiek
impendingabout to happen
to waverto move from one side to another
stridentunpleasant to listen, harsh, loud
to adjournto postpone
negligibleso small that can be ignored
disconcertingmaking confused
to renderto change sth into sth
confirmed bachelora man that will never get married
to ruptureto cause to burst or break
unrulydifficult to control
to hamperto prevent sb from easily doing, achieving sth/ to prevent from moving
to chafe atto become irritated, annoyed
prohibitivetoo high for many people to afford
self-containeda person that doesn't need the company of others
with no strings attachedwithout special conditions
swelteringextremely hot
snappysmart/ elegant/ irritable
squalourdirty, unpleasant, morally degraded
to tally with sthto agree, correspond with sth
to foist sth upon sbto force sb to accept sth unpleasant
takingsmoney earned daily
tentativenot sure/ hesitating
whencefrom where
stipulationcondition, clause, (conclusion)
to cash in onto benefit from sth
sparsenot dense
to impartto partake, to divide
to sit on the fenceto be undecided
intelligiblethat can be understood
superciliousarrogant, rude
to inhibitto cause sb to behave unnaturally
casting votethe last, deciding vote
to be tardyto be late
overbearingforcing others to do things
temporallasting for a short period of time
to expendto use
to flauntto show sth proudly in order to make an impression
aptitudenatural skill, ability
pertinent to sthrelevant to sth