wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 2
autor: tysiek
recalcitrantresisting authority, disobedient
phantoma thing that is not real but only imagined
adulationexcessive admiration or praise, flattery
ambidexterousable to use both hands equally well
sacrosanctconsidered to be too important to be changed, argued about
impregnableimpossible to be taken by force
dirt cheapvery cheap
to warrantto guarantee, to justify, to deserve
self-effacingmodest, not drawing attention to oneself
conducive to sthhelping or allowing sth
to receive good grounding in sthteaching the basics of a subject
intractabledifficult to be solved, dealt with
to do with flying coloursto manage to do with sth easily
upshotthe final result, outcome
by dintby means of sth
to waneto gradually lose power or importance
to be at variance with sthto disagree with sth
state-of-the-artthe most modern, advanced, developed
to turn up one's nose at sthto treat sth with contempt
mental acuitysharpness of mind
sprawlinga widespread, untidy area (usually of buildings)
to spurnto refuse with contempt
to perpetrateto commit
to pit one's witsto test oneself/sth in a struggle/competition
to be on alertto make oneself/sb ready to use
to be in the melting potto be in the process of changing
unscathedunharmed (of people)
to jump on the bandwagonto join others in doing sth that is likely to be successful
collusiona secret agreement
to detractto make sth less enjoyable, to deprieve sb of sth
to estrangeto cause sb formerly friendly to become unfriendly
to add insult to injuryto make sth already bad even worse
gallingannoying, humiliating
to take leave of sb's sensesto start behaving abnormally
exquisitebeautiful, delicate
to be in good steadto be useful, helpful to sb when needed
to rampageto rush around wildly and violently
nemesisdeserved punishment of wrongdoing
prowessoutstanding skill, expertise
perfunctorydone as a duty without interest or care
to indictto charge sb formally
to be at a premiumto be rare, difficult to obtain and therefore more valued
insolventnot having enough money to pay what one owes
inebriateddrunk, intoxicated
to reciprocateto have the same feelings about sb or behave in the same way
to remunerateto reward; to pay sb for work or trouble
to recuperateto get well again after an illness
to come in thick and fastto come quickly and in great quantities
veritablerightly named, called/ real
conscientious objectora person that refuses to serve in the army
to have vested interest in sthto expect to benefit from sth
teetotallera person that never drinks alcohol
stalwarta person that is loyal, dependable and always ready to give his support
wide of the markto be inaccurate, far from the point intended
lapsea small error caused by forgetfulness
unadulteratednot mixed with other substances
onslaughta fierce attack
at sb's expensecausing harm to others