wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 3
autor: tysiek
outlooka place from which sb watches sth carefully
precariousdepending on chance
forebodinga feeling that sth bad will happen soon
benchmarka standard example or a point of reference for making comparisons
to lay sth bareto expose, to reveal
to gropeto try to find sth in the dark
to avertto turn away or prevent
acclaimenthusiastic welcome or praise
bout of stha short period of specified activity/ an attack of illness
watershed in stha turning-point in sth
to score highto become more successful
conciliatorymollifying, reconciling, appeasing
incipientin its early stages
to decipherto decode, to be able to understand, read sth
ramblingnot keeping to the subject, disconnected
to admonishto scold or to give a warning, to urge
lopsidedunevenly balanced with on side lower
verboseusing more words than is needed
to imbueto fill or inspire
to lay slap-tang in the pathto lie directly, right in the path of sth
to be at one's disposalto be available to one whenever he needs to
from far and widefrom everywhere
dulyin a proper, appropriate manner
to lingerto be unwilling to leave, to remain in small quantities
to keep low profileto remain unnoticeable, not to draw public attention
to err on the side ofto show too much of a good quality
obscurityan instance of being not well-known, not clear
coinagea new word is called this
confineslimits, borders, boundaries
receipta proof of purchase
unrelentingnot reducing in intensity
disparitya small difference
to annihilateto destroy completely, to wipe out
to deployto use efficiently
to pave the way for sthto prepare the ground for sth to happen, to develop