wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 4
autor: tysiek
to subdueto bring sth under control
in lieu ofinstead of
laid-backcalm and relaxed
backlasha violent reaction to some event
multi-facetedhaving many aspects
to blaze new trialsto do sth for the first time
know-howpractical knowledge of sth or skill
to snuggleto lie or to get close to sb for warmth/comfort
off the beaten trackfar away from civilization, remote
imminentlikely to happen very soon
out of harm's wayin a safe place
to be on one's toesto be ready for action, to be on alert
to gloat over sbto express selfish delight at own success or one's failure
counter-intuitivecontrary to what one would naturally expect
affluentrich, prosperous, wealthy (of a society)
conscientiousthat does things with great care and attention
to suffice to sayto be enough to say
to entrenchto establish firmly
incorrigiblethat cannot be corrected
flippantnot showing sufficient respect/seriousness
remnantthe remaining part of sth
to exacerbateto make sth already bad even worse
to perpetuateto cause to continue
to make both ends meetto have just enough money to survive
legible(of sb's handwriting) that can be read easily
to dangleto hang or swing loosely
ambiguoushaving more than one meaning, doubtful, dubious
to be besottedto be made silly, especially by love
concealmentan instance of hiding sth
adjunctsth added to sth else, usually bigger
to give rise toto cause (idiom)