wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 1.1
autor: tysiek
to smirk at sbto smile in an unpleasant way (because you think you're better)
to marvel at sbto admire
freelance employmentnot permanent employment, on commission
to go overboardto be very enthusiastic
to outdoto do better than is required
to superimposeto put sth on sth in such a way that a part of it is still visible
to misuseto use wrongly
to empowerto give the power to act
to enlistto obtain
to arouseto raise
clustera group of sth placed closely together
to commenceto start
commencementan instance of starting sth
to instigateto start sth troublesome
rivetingholding one's attention fully
mindful of sthattentive to sth
invertedupside down
to affectto have an influence
contemptiblethat can become contempted
contemptuousnot approving
definiteclear and not doubtful
definitiveclear and having final authority
linimentoily substance used to cure sth
lineamenta feature of one's face
libela written offence
slandera spoken offence
complaisantobliging (usłużny)
luxuriousvery posh
luxurianthealthy, growing thickly and well
volatileunstable, changeable
regretfulshowing remorse (skruszony)
regrettablethat is regretted
conclusiveending doubts
decisiveable to decide
continuouslywithout break
intensehighly emotional, sensitive
alternateevery second
distinctivethat can be easily seen (wyróżniający się)