wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 1.2
autor: tysiek
urbanreferring to city
urbanewell-mannered, refined
sanguinehopeful, optimistic
sanguinarycruel, fond of bloodshed
delusiona false idea
illusiona false belief
crediblethat can be believed
to infer sth from sthto conclude
to elicitto draw from sth
appreciableconsiderable (znaczny, zauważalny)
temperatemild when it comes to climate
temporalsecular, not spiritual
eatablethat can be eated
ediblefit for human's consumption
disinterestedneutral, not taking sides
uninterestedshowing no interest
emotiveevoking emotions
negligentnot doing things thoroughly
officioustoo eager to use one's authority
judicalcritical, inquiery/ done by court
judicioushaving good sense (rozważny)
masterlyvery skilled
masterfuldomineering, bossy, overbearing
stimulanta substance that increases physical or mental activity
stimulousa prod, motivation
officialapproved by sb in authority
strictclear and must be obeyed
severeharsh and strong
distinct from sthdifferent, separate
to imply sthto suggest that sth is a case
practicalsuitable, effective
appreciativeshowing appreciation
deficientnot having enough
defectiveworking not properly
testamentlast will
testimonya proof given in court