escalator | a moving set of stairs that carries people up or down from one level of building to another | |
housekeeper | a person whose job is to manage th cooking, cleaning etc., in some else's house | |
bonds | the ropes of chains that prevent sb from moving or acting freely (granice) | |
feud | an argument which has existed for a long time between 2 people or groups, causing a lot of anger | |
limp | a wy of walking slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg/foot | |
landlady | a woman who owns a house and rents it to other people | |
row | a noisy argument or fight | |
lunatic | sb who behaves in a silly or dangerous way | |
mortuary | a building or a room in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept (kostnica) | |
dexterity | the ability to use your hands skillfully | |
input | advice or opinions that help sb make a decision | |
mundane | very ordinary and therefore interesting | |
inquisitive | wanting to dicover as much as u can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people (CIEKAWSKI) | |
ongoing | continuing to exist at the present time | |
inevitable | sure to happen (=unavoidable) | |
booming | growing or expanding very quickly | |
devastated | very shocked and upset | |
impregnable | (building) - so strongly built and/or defended that it can't be entered by force | |
accustomed to | familiar with sth (przyzwyczajony do) | |
preliminary | coming before the main part of sth | |
flattered | very pleased and proud because sb has said good things about you or has made you feel important | |
peckish | slightly hungry | |
rusty | _____ metal has an orange substance on its surface (ZARDZEWIAŁY) | |
modest | not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements | |
fruitful | producing good result, very productive (OWOCNY) | |
greedy | wanting a lot more food, money, etc., than you need (CHCIWY) | |
apparent | seeming to be true but possibly not true | |
undetectable | impossible to discover, even using special equipment | |
brand-new | completely new | |
indispensable | extremely important and necessary | |
freelance | doing particular pieces of work for different org,rather than working all the time for a single one | |
scarce | very small in amount or nr | |
sustain | to provide what is needed for sth or sb to exist, continue, etc. | |
turn sb away | to not allow sb to enter a place | |
occurs to | if a thought or idea ________ you, it comes into your mind | |
bother | to annoyor cause problems for sb | |
fetch | to go to another place to get sth or sb and bring them back | |
disinherit | to prevent sb, especially a son or daughter who has made you angry,from receiving your property | |
tamper with sth | to touch or make changes to sth which you should not, when you're trying to damage it | |
take it out on sb | to treat sb badly because you're upset or angry, even though they have done nothing wrong | |
plan ahead | to make plans for the future well in advance | |
look sth up | to try to fand a piece of info by looking in a book or on a computer | |
reckon | to think or believe | |
sack sb | to remove sb from a job, because they've done sth wrong or badly | |
walck out on sb | to suddenly leave your husband, wife or partner and end your relationship with them | |
make out | to write all the necessary info on an official document | |
root round | to search for sth, especially by looking through other things | |
purchase | to buy | |
dash | to go somewhere quickly | |
fall out with | to argue with sb and stop being frendly with them | |
track down | to find sth or sb after looking for them in a lot of different places | |
turn up | to arrive at place | |
lug | to carry or pull something with effort or difficulty because it is heavy | |
contradict | to state opposite of what sb else has said | |
digest | to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use | |
stand sb up | to intentionally fail to meet sb when you said you would (starting to have a romantic date) | |
adore | to love sb/sth very much | |
spite sb | to intentionally annoy, upset or hurt sb | |
put up with sb | to accept or continue to accpet an unpleasant situation or experience, or sb behaves unpleasantly | |
will do | said to mean that you don't want any more of sth | |
make a fuss | to show anger, worry, lack of satisfaction or excitement,usually greater than the situation deserves | |
have it coming | to deserve and be about to receive punishment | |
be over the moon | to be very pleased | |
keep up appearances | to pretend to be happier, less poor, etc. than you really are - not to recognize situation by people | |
get sidetracked | to have your attention direct away from an activity/subject towards another one-less important | |
get your eye on sth | to have seen sth that you want and intend to get | |
in a manner of speaking | used for saying that sth is partly true | |
take effect | to produce or achieve the results you want | |
take for granted | do not realise or show that you're greatful for how much you get from them (NIE DOCENIAĆ) | |
child's play | very easy | |
out of the blue | completely unexpected | |
take your time | to do sth slowly or without hurrying | |
waste your breath | spend time and energy trying to give which is ignored | |
be out of your depth | not to have the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation | |
for...on end | for hours, days, etc. without stopping | |
my money's on | used to say that you feel very sure that sth is true, will happen, etc. | |
bide your time | to wait clamly for a good opportunity to do sth | |
go to a lot of trouble | to make an effort to do sth | |
in the light of | because of | |
on the house | it is given to you free by a business (NA KOSZT FIRMY) | |
see eye to eye | if two people ______, they agree with each other | |
at a moment's notice | only a short time before sth happens | |
can do with sth | if you _______, you want it vert much | |
serve time | to spend time in prison | |
be right up sb's street | to be the type of thing that you're intersted in or that you enjoy doing | |
straight from the horse's mouth | to hear sth from the person who has direct personal knowledge of the matter (Z PIERWSZEJ RĘKI) | |
in a flash | quickly or suddenly | |
couldn't be bothered | to be too lazy or tired to do sth | |
make yourself at home | do what you need to do to feel relaxed and comfortable | |
at stake | if sth that is valuable is _______, it is in a situation where it might be lost | |
take sb's word for it | to believe that what sb says is true | |