wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Sherlock, season 1
autor: zaana
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escalatora moving set of stairs that carries people up or down from one level of building to another
housekeepera person whose job is to manage th cooking, cleaning etc., in some else's house
bondsthe ropes of chains that prevent sb from moving or acting freely (granice)
feudan argument which has existed for a long time between 2 people or groups, causing a lot of anger
limpa wy of walking slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg/foot
landladya woman who owns a house and rents it to other people
rowa noisy argument or fight
lunaticsb who behaves in a silly or dangerous way
mortuarya building or a room in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept (kostnica)
dexteritythe ability to use your hands skillfully
inputadvice or opinions that help sb make a decision
mundanevery ordinary and therefore interesting
inquisitivewanting to dicover as much as u can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people (CIEKAWSKI)
ongoingcontinuing to exist at the present time
inevitablesure to happen (=unavoidable)
boominggrowing or expanding very quickly
devastatedvery shocked and upset
impregnable(building) - so strongly built and/or defended that it can't be entered by force
accustomed tofamiliar with sth (przyzwyczajony do)
preliminarycoming before the main part of sth
flatteredvery pleased and proud because sb has said good things about you or has made you feel important
peckishslightly hungry
rusty_____ metal has an orange substance on its surface (ZARDZEWIAŁY)
modestnot usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements
fruitfulproducing good result, very productive (OWOCNY)
greedywanting a lot more food, money, etc., than you need (CHCIWY)
apparentseeming to be true but possibly not true
undetectableimpossible to discover, even using special equipment
brand-newcompletely new
indispensableextremely important and necessary
freelancedoing particular pieces of work for different org,rather than working all the time for a single one
scarcevery small in amount or nr
sustainto provide what is needed for sth or sb to exist, continue, etc.
turn sb awayto not allow sb to enter a place
occurs toif a thought or idea ________ you, it comes into your mind
botherto annoyor cause problems for sb
fetchto go to another place to get sth or sb and bring them back
disinheritto prevent sb, especially a son or daughter who has made you angry,from receiving your property
tamper with sthto touch or make changes to sth which you should not, when you're trying to damage it
take it out on sbto treat sb badly because you're upset or angry, even though they have done nothing wrong
plan aheadto make plans for the future well in advance
look sth upto try to fand a piece of info by looking in a book or on a computer
reckonto think or believe
sack sbto remove sb from a job, because they've done sth wrong or badly
walck out on sbto suddenly leave your husband, wife or partner and end your relationship with them
make outto write all the necessary info on an official document
root roundto search for sth, especially by looking through other things
purchaseto buy
dashto go somewhere quickly
fall out withto argue with sb and stop being frendly with them
track downto find sth or sb after looking for them in a lot of different places
turn upto arrive at place
lugto carry or pull something with effort or difficulty because it is heavy
contradictto state opposite of what sb else has said
digestto change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use
stand sb upto intentionally fail to meet sb when you said you would (starting to have a romantic date)
adoreto love sb/sth very much
spite sbto intentionally annoy, upset or hurt sb
put up with sbto accept or continue to accpet an unpleasant situation or experience, or sb behaves unpleasantly
will dosaid to mean that you don't want any more of sth
make a fussto show anger, worry, lack of satisfaction or excitement,usually greater than the situation deserves
have it comingto deserve and be about to receive punishment
be over the moonto be very pleased
keep up appearancesto pretend to be happier, less poor, etc. than you really are - not to recognize situation by people
get sidetrackedto have your attention direct away from an activity/subject towards another one-less important
get your eye on sthto have seen sth that you want and intend to get
in a manner of speakingused for saying that sth is partly true
take effectto produce or achieve the results you want
take for granteddo not realise or show that you're greatful for how much you get from them (NIE DOCENIAĆ)
child's playvery easy
out of the bluecompletely unexpected
take your timeto do sth slowly or without hurrying
waste your breathspend time and energy trying to give which is ignored
be out of your depthnot to have the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation
for...on endfor hours, days, etc. without stopping
my money's onused to say that you feel very sure that sth is true, will happen, etc.
bide your timeto wait clamly for a good opportunity to do sth
go to a lot of troubleto make an effort to do sth
in the light ofbecause of
on the houseit is given to you free by a business (NA KOSZT FIRMY)
see eye to eyeif two people ______, they agree with each other
at a moment's noticeonly a short time before sth happens
can do with sthif you _______, you want it vert much
serve timeto spend time in prison
be right up sb's streetto be the type of thing that you're intersted in or that you enjoy doing
straight from the horse's mouthto hear sth from the person who has direct personal knowledge of the matter (Z PIERWSZEJ RĘKI)
in a flashquickly or suddenly
couldn't be botheredto be too lazy or tired to do sth
make yourself at homedo what you need to do to feel relaxed and comfortable
at stakeif sth that is valuable is _______, it is in a situation where it might be lost
take sb's word for itto believe that what sb says is true
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