wordki.pl - nauka słówek
EVU 28 - We are what we eat
autorzy: Kostka, ...
syntheticmade from artificial substances
wholesomegood for you, physically or morally (pożywny)
wholemealcontaining all the natural substances in the grain with nothing removed (razowy)
fair traderefers to products such as coffee,tea or chocolate market in such way that small farmers get profits
free-rangerelating to farm animals that are not kept in cages (wiejski)
gm foodgeneticaly modified
loopholesways of getting regulations (luki prawne)
derivativethings produced from
recipe forsituation sure to lead to
all the ingredients ofall the necessary characteristics
to dilutemake less dominant
to stewworry or suffer especially about sth you think is his fault
to grillto ask a lot of questions
half-bakedunrealistic or not thought through properly (niedopracowany)
spice upmake more lively
unsavouryunpleasant,morally offensive (podejrzany)
turn sourgo wrong