(just, only)(only just) | dopiero, dopiero co | |
so far | = dotychczas | |
feel sorry for/about | byc mi kogos zal/gdy ubolewamu nad czyms | |
be worried about = nervous of/about | zmartwiony czyms ; zdenerwowany o/o cos z soba | |
to have a yEArning for sth/to do sth | (bardzo) pragnąć czegoś/(z)robić coś | |
run the risk of = take a risk of \/ put smth at the risk \/ do at risk of sth | podejmować ryzyko \/ ryzykowac cos \/ robić coś z narażeniem na coś | |
angry at what sb does ... | zly na to co ktos robi ********* | |
attempts to (cater today's demanding travellers) are ... | zaspokoic dzisiejszych wymagajacych podróznych | |
take delight in something ... | lubowac sie w czyms | |
inquiring about | dociekliwi o ..., pytac o... | |
A flush of embarrassment began to seep up over his face and neck like an ink stain. | rumieniec wstydu zaczal (wychodzic) z(...) jak plama atramentu | |
approve of sb/smth= to accept (ale: approve-aprobować; zatwierdzać) | pochwalac, akceptowac | |
The figures quoted came from .... | liczby cytowane pochodza z... | |
viewer (view, in my view .... ) | widz, ogladac, w moim odczuciu | |
taking everything into consideration = to sum up = in conclusion | <zakonczenie> | |
appealing ; appleal = charm | błagalny(pociaglwy) ; powab | |
recall , deny, prevent, recollect + G. | wspominac, zaprzeczac, zapobiegac, przypominac sobie cos... | |
apology= excuse (to apologize (for sth to sb) ) | przerposiny (wymowke, wytlumaczenie) | |
Acknowledge | potwierdzac odbior, potwierdzenie odbioru | |
to frighten; to scare; to give a fright(adj: frightful,appalling(zatrwa-cy), horrifying, terrifying) | przestraszyc (straszny, ) | |
apparently | najwidoczniej, najwyraźniej | |
disbelief, believable, disbelieve | niedowierzanie, wiarygodny, nie wierzyc | |
propose = suggest (suggestion, proposal) | proponowac, propozycja | |
to let off ; let down | darować, puszczac wolno \/ zawodzic | |
to hold up --- I'm so sorry I'm late, I got held up at the hospita | zatrzymać | |
variation | zmiana | |
to sympathize with (person) , to commiserate with sb (over sth) | współczuć (komus) / o czyms | |
swagger | isc dumnie | |
heartless (n:heartlessness) | bez serca | |
incite | to make others rebel | |
deficient = lack off = schortage of(to be deficient in wykazywać niedobór or niedostatek ) | niedobor | |
to lean on (rely on) | polegac na | |
credit = approval = acclaim = appreciation = admiration | ty: uznanie | |
Be at a loss of words | zabraknac slow | |
Do you have any yearning to take on a serious role? | pragnac cos zrobic | |
play a serious role just for the sake of it (for the sake of sb/sth, for sb's/sth's sake) | grac powazne role ze zwgledu na ... | |
funny=amusing\/ridiculous=laughable | smieszny, absurdalny | |
it’s just that he has failings that become obvious | wada | |
discrepancy between | rozbieznosc pomiedzy | |
alienate | zrazac | |
relentless ( V. : ustępować - relent) | bezustanny nieustapliwy | |
shove off! | splywaj! | |
regardless of (regard = szacunek ) | bez względu na | |
Believe it or not, combinations like these may make their way to your dinner table | (to advance in life by one's personal efforts.) (i) | |
precisely | dokladnie | |
thoughtlessly | bezmyslnie | |
crop up | pojawiac sie | |
As the battles go on, will we continue... | w trakcie walki, my... | |
wisely <> foolishly | mądrze, glupio | |
superior | lepszy, starszy ranga | |
toady | lizus | |
willingness = readiness (willing=having no objection ; ready) | gotowosc ( chetny\/ ochoczy) | |
help (facility \/ at your convenience w dogodnej (dla ciebie) chwili) | pomoc ,(ułatwienie) ZMIANA! | |
allure, alluring | powab; powabny,ponetny | |
competition, contest, event; tournament | zawody,konkurs | |
to be addicted to ... (nicotine) | byc uzaleznionym czyms | |
inquire, ask (to ask sb sth/to do sth--- prosić kogoś o coś/, żeby coś zrobił) | prosic | |
» for tha sake of ... | przez wzgląd na coś/dla czegoś | |
to be justified in doing sth .... | mieć słuszne powody, żeby coś (z)robić | |
internal = interior(doors) = inner(spokoj) | wewnetrzny | |
homogenous society | społeczeństwo jednonarodowe ********* | |
prejudice (to prejudice sb against uprzedzać (uprzedzić perf) kogoś do ) | uprzedzenie | |
at large | na wolności | |
how dare you! , to dare sb to do sth , to dare (to) do sth | --rzucać komuś wyzwanie do ... , ośmielać się (ośmielić się perf) coś zrobić, odważyć się (perf) coś | |
bunk bed | luzko pietrowe | |
at all costs | za wszelka cene | |
be anxious for (smth to happen) | niecierpliwy na... | |
(un)aware of | swiadomy... | |
busy with | zajety .... (czyms) | |
appal (The horrible view appalled me) | przerazac, bulwersowac | |
blame sb for smth / blame sth on sb | obwiniac... | |
faculty | zdolnosc, wladza uniwerka | |
diligent, diligence, [=hard-working] | pilny, pilnosc | |
realm | dziedzina , sfera | |
circuit | objazd , (tech) oowod | |
superstition, prejudice | zabobon, uprzedzenie (ROZ) | |
Thus (...former miners who are now down to their last 2,000 pounds and thus qualify for social ... | tak więc, a zatem \/ tak więc, a zatem | |
evolve | rozwijac | |
deserve smth | zaslugiwac na... | |
justifiable | uzasadniony, sluszny | |
turnaround= turnabout ( contrarywise =przeciwstawny, przeciwienstwo) | zwrot o 180 @ | |
praise (to pray for/that (REL) modlić się (pomodlić się perf) o +acc/, żeby) | chwialic (modlic sie) | |
labor= labour | sila robocza | |
hourly | co godzine | |
to admonish sb | upominac kogos | |
in terms of | pod wzgledem... | |
distinguish [to ~ oneself --- odznaczać się.][(one thing from another/ between) odróżniac jed od dru | rozróżniac, rozpoznawać | |
awkward | niezdarny | |
follower/oponent=adversary | zwolennik/przeciwnik (ROZ) | |
to require sth of(from sb) | wymagać od kogoś czegoś | |
to make sb aware of sth, to make sb realize sth | uświadamiać coś komuś | |
persistent | uporczywy | |
complaint | skarga | |
irritating, annoying | denerwujacy | |
in reality | w rzeczywistosci | |
begin with .... | zaczynac z... | |
abstain from (voting) | powstrzymywac sie od glosowania | |
absent from | nieobecny na... | |
abide by [= follow (rules)] | przestrzegac | |
account for ... | stanowic % | |
acquainted with ... [I will acquaint you with the facts.] | zaznajomiony z... | |
adjacent to | sasiadujacy z... (room) | |
boast obut/of | przechwalac sie... (czyms) | |
bet on... | zalozys sie o... | |
collide with | zderzac z... | |
That accident took place there ! | ten wypadek zdarzyl sie tam! | |
<room number > | numer pokoju | |
stall, street market | stragan, bazar, | |
get on/off /\ get into/out of | wejsc na...(plane, tram, train,plane), wejsc do samochodu:D | |
number 8 tram | tranwaj numer 8 | |
get over (ill) | wychodzic z ... (choroba) | |
come up to expectations... | spelniac zyczenia | |
supervisor | kierownik ********* | |
To me, the terms refer to films that make people aware of political or social situations. | dla mnie, pojecie nawiazuje filmow, ktore usiwiadamiaja ludzi o politycznych czy spol problemach | |
the film Hotel Rwanda caused many people take notice of the political situation in Rwanda for perha | film (...) spowodowal ze wiele ludzi dostrzega polityczna sytuacje w Rwandzie (kigali) zapewne po ra | |
The dramatic imagery of film can often be far more powerful than news reports. | drmamatyczna symobolika mmoze tez byc bardziej wplywowa niz news | |
For many, the heyday of political filmmaking was the 1970s. | dla wielu okresem rozkwitu byly lata 1970' | |
detailed the scale of corruption... | badal skale korupcji... | |
Political filmmaking didn’t start in the seventies, though | zastosowanie though< na koncu | |
custody of child | opieka nad dzieckiem | |
Spielberg’s powerful film about the holocaust, stands out, as does Malcolm X | spilsber's wielki film o cholokauscie, wyroznia sie, podobnie jak malcon10 | |
revival | ozywnienie | |
alcoHol abuse | naduzycie alkoholu********* | |
Is there a difference between binge drinking and just plain old “getting drunk”? | <..."upijanie sie do cna" > , <prosty, = simple> | |
(pain) thresholds | próg (bólu) | |
In common usage ... | w powszechnym uzyciu | |
because of all the recent media coverage | z powodu wszystkoch medialnych doniesien <sprawozdanie> | |
bout [bout of malaria, ] | atak choroby ; napad | |
a similar time span | podobny okre czasu | |
Another factor is the intensity | innym czynnikiem jest intensywnosc | |
solitary drinker | samotny alkoholik | |
In a nutshell yes. | w duzym sktócie TAK | |
In other countries it’s perceived as less of a problem | w innych krajach jest to postrzegane jako mniejszy problem | |
the cost of binge drinking was estimated as twenty billion pounds | koszt (...) byl szacowany na 20B pounds | |
admission (od: admit) | przyjecie | |
relating to... | odnosnie do.. | |
notorious liar | notoryczny klamca | |
unacceptable | niedopuszczlny | |
Being drunk isn’t socially unacceptable in most European countries – whereas in the UK – well, | <podczas gdy> ********** | |
valid (validity, validly) | uzasadniony, przekonowujący (wiarygodność...) | |
prove | udowadniac, dowodzic | |
presumably (presumption) [The statue is presumably not intended as a likeness of the Duke.] | przypuszczalnie (przypuszczenie, zalozenie) | |
discard [They ate food discarded by the soldiers.] | wyzbyc sie | |
presence [He tried to justify his presence in Belfast...] | obecnosc | |
immaturity | niedojzalosc | |
surprisingly | niespodziewanie | |
laughter | śmiech!!!!!! | |
await (smth) | oczekiwac na... | |
advocate [He advocated the creation of a permanent United Nations.] | popierac, zwolennik | |
to have a stake in sth | byc zainteresowanym czyms | |
overbalance | tracic rownowage | |
it was on the brink of collapse | na granicy bankructwa | |
shopping mall | centrum handlowe | |
obstruct (to be obstructive stwarzać trudności) | utrudniać | |
immediate | natychmiastowy | |
though (I can't stay. I'll have a coffee, though.) | inne zastosowanie though -> jednak | |
imminent closure | nieuchronne zamkniecie | |
amid fears | wsrod (obaw, strachu) | |
dealership | handel | |
sustain -> sustainable | podtrzymywac | |
nevertheless, (blle ble...) | mimo wszystko, mimo to | |
people can acquire prejudiced thinking by merely observing others' discriminative behaviour | <nabywac, rozwijac><uprzedzony><tylko jedynie M><wyrobiony> | |
justify ~~ justification ~~ justifable ~~~ justifiably | ~~ uzasadniac | |
the inconvenience of (....) is outweighed by (time saved) | niewygoda jest przewazona przez... | |
More often than not I will watch some TV before going to bed as I find it helps me to wind down | uzycie: more often than not ********* | |
Having said all that, I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty | < =despite, in spite of ><do jako podkreślenie> | |
keep me on my toes | podtrzymuje mnie na wyzczych obrotach | |
occur \/ occurrence | zdarzać sie, wystepowac \/ wyddarzenie | |
confident -> confidential => confidentiality | pewny siebie , zaufane, zaufanie | |
council(grupa ludzi) - counsel(słowna) | !!rada | |
but having said that (despite, in spite of) | ~~mimo wszystko | |
in a word | jednym slowiem | |
ensure (to insure against=ubezpieczać) | zapewniac | |
Some analysts are sceptical | pewni analitycy sa sceptyczni | |
mutual | wspólny, wzajemny | |
await smth (n: awaiting) | oczekiwac (cos) | |
swap (to swap for) | zamiana | |
meant (pastod mean) | past od mean | |
gaseous | gazowy, lotny | |
cathing | zarazliwy | |
the gas will be dominant for at least 50 years | gaz bedzie dominowal !!! conajmniej !!! 50 lat | |
entail (The move entailed radical changes in lifestyle.) | pociagac za soba | |
fossil fuels | paliwa kopalniane | |
surge (And we’ve certainly seen the demand for gas surge in recent years.) | skok nagly | |
anew [The process of conflict and destruction would begin anew.] | na nowo | |
preverbial | przyslowiowy | |
impoverished (Theo comes from an impoverished background.) | zubożały | |
But I firmly believe that you can’t market a poor product. | <mocno> | |
However, until quite recently it was difficult, if not impossible, for the global gas industry to de | ZDANIE .... develop | |
the death of the music industry has been greatly exaggerated. | <przesadznoy> | |
Tower Records went bankrupt earlier this year and there are constant gloomy predictions that .... | <mroczny przewidywania ze> | |
There’s said to be an old Chinese curse | jest popularna w chinach klatwa | |
The challenge for the big companies in the music business is to try | wyzwaniem dla wielkich firm muzycznych jest .... | |
I don’t want to contradict you but let’s look at some of the statistics | nie chce przeczyc z Toba, ale ... | |
An adze was found in pristine condition next to the hats. | (topór cieślarski) został znaleziony w nienaruszonym stanie opok kapelusza ********* | |
altar | ołtarz | |
Potentially | potencjalnie | |
the affluent society | społeczenstwo dobrobytu | |
relevant [This point is not really relevant...] | istotny | |
develop | rozwijać | |
grudge (to bear sb a grudge) | uraza ( żywić do kogoś urazę) | |
wound, [ to receive wound --- odnosić ranę], injury | rana (+uraz) | |
bend [ ~ z ograniczoną widocznością blind turning/corner] | zakręt (droga) | |
permanent | trwał, ciągły | |
(n: deligance, adj:diligent) due deligance | (pilność, pilny) szybkie badanie spółki - przy przejęciach | |
append | dołączać, zawiesić | |