wordki.pl - nauka słówek
EVU 26 - The plastic arts
autorzy: Kostka, ...
to pull the wool over sb's eyesto deceive
philistinisminability to appreciate art or culture
by stealthacting secretly (ukradkiem)
wise upbecome more sophisticated (zmądrzeć)
dumb downbecome less intellectual (upraszczać w ogłupiający sposób)
Tate Modernmodern art gallery, London
Renaissanceperiod of new interests in art
fada short enthusiasm for something (disapproving) (przelotna moda)
vote with sb's feetstop coming
impressionism,cubist,surrealismtypes of artists and schools of arts
deemconsider (uznawać za)
visually literateeducated
immune to / inured tonot affected by (odporny na)
highbrowintended for educated, intelligent people, disapproving (lowbrow) (wyrafinowany)
impenetrableextremely difficult to understand (transparent) (nieprzenikniony)
sophisticatedshowing advanced skills and understanding (primitive)
challengingdemanding considerable effort to be understood (undemanding)
dazzlinginspiring great admiration because it is brillian in some way (pedestrian) (olśniewający)
evocativecalling up images and memories (uninspiring)
intriguinginteresting because it is strange or mysterious (dreary)
peerlessbetter than any other (run-of-the-mill)
tongue-in-cheeknot intended to be taken seriously despite appearing serious ( earnest)
to be shadowyniewyraźne ( a shadowy figure - zagadkowa postać)
to be depictedto be portrayed