wordki.pl - nauka słówek
womarek 37 - animals & birds
autorzy: Aoi, ...
docilebehaves very gently
tamenot afraid of humans
domesticatedlives with or is used by humans
wildopposite of domesticated
savageextremely violent or wild
fiercebehaves aggressively
natural habitatpreferred natural place for living and breeding
game reserves/game parks (rezerwat dzikiej zwierzyny)areas of land where animals are protected from hunting
bird sanctuary/rezerwat/protected area where birds can live and breed
animal shelterschronisko
blood sportssports whose purpose is to kill or injure animals
the fur tradethe hunting and selling of animal furs for coats, jackets etc.
poacherspeople who hunt animals illegally
the ivory tradethe buying and selling of ivory from elephants' tusks
animal rights activistspeople who actively campaign for the protection and rights of animals
- / carnivorousverb and adj of carnivore
- / herbivorousverb and adj of herbivore
to prey (on) / predatoryverb and adj of predator
to poach/ -verb and adj of poacher