mammal | ssak | |
rodent | gryzoń | |
reptile | gad | |
carnivore | mięsożerca | |
herbivore | roślinożerca | |
predator | drapieżca | |
docile | behaves very gently | |
tame | not afraid of humans | |
domesticated | lives with or is used by humans | |
wild | opposite of domesticated | |
savage | extremely violent or wild | |
fierce | behaves aggressively | |
natural habitat | preferred natural place for living and breeding | |
game reserves/game parks (rezerwat dzikiej zwierzyny) | areas of land where animals are protected from hunting | |
bird sanctuary/rezerwat/ | protected area where birds can live and breed | |
animal shelter | schronisko | |
blood sports | sports whose purpose is to kill or injure animals | |
the fur trade | the hunting and selling of animal furs for coats, jackets etc. | |
poachers | people who hunt animals illegally | |
the ivory trade | the buying and selling of ivory from elephants' tusks | |
animal rights activists | people who actively campaign for the protection and rights of animals | |
- / carnivorous | verb and adj of carnivore | |
- / herbivorous | verb and adj of herbivore | |
to prey (on) / predatory | verb and adj of predator | |
to poach/ - | verb and adj of poacher | |