perceived | postrzegane | |
inquisitive | curious | |
set out on | określone na | |
benefit from | korzystac z | |
prone to | susceptible to/be likely to | |
grain of truth | ziarno prawdy | |
unfounded | baseless | |
inferior | opposite to superior | |
get acquainted with (aquaintance) | zapoznac sie z | |
gain | zdobywac | |
impel | pobudzac | |
thrilling | exciting | |
diverse | various | |
innformative | full of information | |
in battle | w bitwie | |
for fear | ze strachu | |
to be deficient in | lacking in | |
to be rich in | byc bogatym w (witaminy) | |
gain independence from | uzyskac niepodleglosc od | |
beyond expectations | poza wszelkimmi oczekiwaniami | |
to perceive sth as | to consider sth to be sth | |
to be tired of | miec dosc | |
to get accustomed to | byc przyzwyczajonym do | |
such a humid climate | so humid a climate | |
in connection with | w zwiazku z | |
to be helpful in | byc pomocnym w | |
by means of | za pomocą | |
disorder | nieład | |
perform duty | wykonywać obowiązek | |
to be bored with | byc czyms znbudzonym | |
to have difficulty (in) sth | miec z czyms trudnosci | |
culprit / perpetrator | przestępca (2) | |
coward | tchorz | |
unanimous | jednoglosny | |
to reach / to arrive at/ to come to a conlusion | dojsc do wniosku (3) | |
to assemble | to put together | |
dismantle / take apart | zdemontować (2) | |
dependent | zależny | |
nasty habit | zly nawyk | |
to be intent on | byc zdeterminowanym | |
stand a chance / to place a bet on | postawic zaklad (2) | |
take any notice of | przejać sie czyms, wziac do serca | |
it is high time we did sth | najwyzzszy czas zebysmy cos zrobili | |
display | show | |