wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik next vol. 2
autor: tysiek
wild-goose chasehopeless pursuit
to be caught red-handedto be caught while doing sth wrong
crocodile tearsfalse tears
piece of cakesth easily done
down the drainwasted/ lost
down in the dumpsnot cheerful
on the dolereceiving unemployment benefit or social security
to go to the dogsto fail/ to deteriorate
red-letter daya very important day
to let sleeping dogs lieto avoid mentioning a subject or taking action which could cause trouble
to frolick aboutto play about in a lively, happy way
wordagea number of words one uses to produce a piece of writing
brevityshortness, conciseness
uncannyunnatural, extraordinary, strange
to startleto perplex, to surprise
startlingsurprising, astonishing
painstakinglywith great care and concentration, making great effort
to meshto interlock
discriminatorybeing critical
disconcertingmaking unable to concentrate, making confused, doubtful
to mockto ridicule
to sampleto taste sth
to grant sb sthto give
to usherto show the way
to fosterto help the development or growth of sth
to extolto praise greatly
to relish sthto enjoy sth, to show happiness