wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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womarek 39 - here to help: service encounters
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
promptquick, without delay
queryquestion or enquiry about serice
to be responsive to complaintsto listen, take them seriously and act (about complaints)
to be accommodatingto be willing to understand and help
to get back to sbto call sb with an answer to their query
to be obligingto be willing and happy to do things for sb
incompetentfailing through insufficient skill, knowledge or training
impersonallacking a personal element
shoddypoor quality/ of service or of goods/
substandardbelow the standard expected / often used about actions
uncooperativenot supportive, unwilling to work together
backlog of ordersnumber of orders which are waiting to be dealt with
sense of urgencyfeeling that one's request is important or urgent
helplinetelephone no where you can get help if you have problems
to pus sb on holdto make sb wait
be under guarantee/warrantybyć na gwarancji
secure siteweb address where no outside person can read our details
privacy policypolityka prywatności
safe transactionsbusiness exchanges which protect, e.g. one's credic card from use by sb else
FAQfrequently asked questions
to browseto look at the list of goods/services offered before buying
immediate dispatchgoods sent at once
nationwidecovering the whole country
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