wordki.pl - nauka słówek
news events
autorzy: epocha, ...
draw up (proposal, contract)To compose or write in a set form (work on)
put a strain upon upon sbCause a tention
come in forface unpleasant situation
give the go-aheadTo began, launch
to comment on ( the matter)To make a comment, remark
give offence toTo cause annoyance or displeasure to
be baffled byBe puzzled/confused
hold out for someone or something (hope)To wait for someone or something
go on to do sthGo to (another subject)
pride oneself on sthTo be proud of sth
to meet on regular basisIn a regular manner
to challenge the figuresCall into question (kwestionować)
jump at the chance to do sthTo accept an opportunity eagerly
exaggerated extremelyout of all proportion
have no intentionnot thinking about sth
it is common knowledgeeverybody is aware
brought aboutcaused
raise fearmake people afraid
not much chance in winninglittle prospect of success
confirmsay for certain
advocateargue that there should be
attributed sthexplain the cause
to clash over someone or sthto fight or argue with someone about someone or something
go back on promisescancel (cofnąć obietnicę)
stand by ones pledgeskeep (podtrzymywać)
disguised asprzebrany za
on the verge of victoryna granicy zwycięstwa
rip sth aparttear sth
put sb at the disposalbyć do czyjejś dyzpozycji
setgoing to
clearedfound innocent
tollfatalities/ killed people
loomapproach/ wisieć w powietrzu