prompt, quick, swift | quick, without delay x3 | |
query | question or enquiry about serice | |
to be responsive to complaints | to listen, take them seriously and act (about complaints) | |
to be accommodating | to be willing to understand and help | |
to get back to sb | to call sb with an answer to their query | |
to be obliging | to be willing and happy to do things for sb | |
incompetent | failing through insufficient skill, knowledge or training | |
impersonal | lacking a personal element | |
shoddy | poor quality/ of service or of goods/ | |
substandard | below the standard expected / often used about actions | |
uncooperative | not supportive, unwilling to work together | |
backlog of orders | number of orders which are waiting to be dealt with | |
sense of urgency | feeling that one's request is important or urgent | |
helpline | telephone no where you can get help if you have problems | |
to pus sb on hold | to make sb wait | |
be under guarantee/warranty | być na gwarancji | |
secure site | web address where no outside person can read our details | |
privacy policy | polityka prywatności | |
safe transactions | business exchanges which protect, e.g. one's credic card from use by sb else | |
FAQ | frequently asked questions | |
to browse | to look at the list of goods/services offered before buying | |
immediate dispatch | goods sent at once | |
nationwide | covering the whole country | |
more hot deals | a further range of special offers | |
browse our categories | look through the range before buying | |
log in now | enter the website straight away | |
check availability | see if the goods you want can be supplied | |
at a glance | with one look you can see the whole range | |
killer bargains | the best special offers possible | |
online auctions | sale where you can offer a price for sth | |
site index | list of the goods/services available | |
privacy policy | rules for protecting your personal details | |