wordki.pl - nauka słówek
EVU 25 - The performance arts : reviews and critiques
autorzy: Kostka, ...
overratednot as good as people say (przereklamowany)
hackneyeddone so often it is boring (oklepany)
impenetrablecomplex and impossible to understand (nieprzenikniony)
disjointedunconnected and not in a clear order (bezładny)
far-fetchedimpossible to believe (naciągany)
risqueslightly immoral and likely to shock some people (śmiały,ryzykowny)
grippingexciting and keeping your attention the whole time (pasjonujący)
harrowingextremely upsetting (wstrząsający)
movingmaking you feel strong emotions,especially pity or sadness (wzruszający)
memorableyou remember it long after (pamiętny)
understateddone or expressed in a simple but attractive style (swobodny,niewymuszony)
panvery negatively criticised
laudhighly praised
bombto be a failure
up-and-cominglikely to become very famous or successful
masterpiecevery good work of art
to be miscastto be the wrong person for the role
typecastalways associated with the type of role (zaszufladkowany)
encorecall from audience to repeat it (bis)
standing ovationstand up and applaud
interptetationway of understanding and performing it
versionone of several performances that exsist
renditionperformance on a specific occasion (wykonanie,interpretacja)
portrayalthe picture sb created
cliffhangera film/book/movie that keeps you in suspense
blockbustera film which huge numbers of people will go and see (przebój)
cops-and-robbersa police or crime theme
buddingup-and-coming (obiecujący, dobrze się zapowiadający)
keep sb on the edge of seatkeep in suspense/constant excitement