wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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womarek 40 - customs and police
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
landing cardform with your personal details and date of arrival
customs declaration formform showing how much money and what goods you are carrying
vaccination certificatepaper proving you have had the neccessary health injections
entry restrictionsrules about who can enter a country and for how long
spot checks/random checkschecks done without warning x2
sniffer dogsspecially trained dogs who can smell drugs and bombs
to clear customsto take one's bags through customs
the port of entrythe port or airport where you first enter a country
political asylumpermission to stay in another country to avoid political persecution back home
economic migrantspoeple who try to enter from poorer countries just to get work
offenceillegal action /formal/
fixed penaltyfixed sum payable for a particular offence
on0the-spot finefine payable at the time and place that you commit offence
parking ticketspapers placed on driver's windscreen fining them for illegal parking
breathalyseran instrument which you blow into that shows if you have consumed alcohol recently
to make a statementto say what happened and sign a copy of it
stop-and-searchpower to stop people and search them in the street
survellance camerascameras that record eth that happens
search warrantofficial permission from a judge or magistrate to search your home
security focesoftern a name for the army and police together enforcing the law
plain clothes / undercover policepolice who do not wear uniform x2
paramilitary policepolice who are more like soldiers that civilian police officers
drug squadpolice specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade
anti-corruption squadpolice specially trained to discover and figth bribery/corruption
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