intricate | complex, difficult | |
imbue | to fill with | |
exhilaration | excitement | |
craze | fad, fascination | |
implausible | impropable - nieprawdopodobny | |
pursuit | chase (treasure) | |
exploit | undertaking (przedsiewziecie) venture | |
appliance | device | |
range | variety | |
inestimable | nie do oszacowania, immeasurable | |
rousing | stimulating | |
baffling | puzzling | |
scrutimise | analyse | |
befall - befell - befallen | occur (sth bad happens) | |
to hinge upon sth | depend on | |
pull up / pull over | stop / zjechac na pobocze | |
lay-by | zatoczka na drodze | |
carry out | fulllfil (orders) | |
make up | end an argument | |
back up | give support, cover | |
look up | improve | |
put off | discourage | |
drought /dżraut/ | susza + wym | |
draught /dżraft/ | przeciag + wym | |
set in | begin (pora roku) | |
feel up to | be well enough to | |
bring about | cause | |
get on with | lpolubic od razu | |
take back | withdraw | |
call off | cancel | |
turn up | appear | |
bring up | educate | |
account for | explain | |
distinguished | famous | |
crucial | important | |
adequate inadequate | suitable + przeciw. | |
legitimate illegitimate | legal + przeciw. | |
feverish | excited | |
firm | devoted | |
widespread | extensive | |
available unavailable | obtainable + przeciw. | |
hostile | unfriendly | |
exaggerated | wyolbrzymiony | |
tender | gentle | |
tedicious | mundane, long and boring | |
immediate | not very distant | |
bumpy | rough (road) | |
concise | short and clear | |
to be under the obligation | be obliged to | |
burst in tears / burst out crying | cry (2) | |
due to | because of | |
express apologies | to be sorry for sth | |
drop a line | napisac krotki list | |
keep up appearances | utrzymywac pozory | |
make fuss | robic zamieszanie | |
be on leave | bvyc w podrozy | |
without delay | bez zwloki | |
at a guess | mniej wiecej | |
be on good terms | miec dobre stosunki | |
in the prime of | during your best years, whe you are strongest | |
take a complete leave out of sb's senses | lost sb's mind | |
win sb's heart | zdobyc czyjes serce | |
speak your mind | powiedz co cie gryzie | |
at best | w najlepszym przypadku | |
be regular as clockwork | chodzic jak w zegarku | |