gravity of | seriousness or importance | |
set up (charity) | To establish; found | |
a fair ( income) | moderately large | |
pledge (money) | give | |
quote ( credic cart nr) | tell sb | |
advent | arrival | |
proceeds | zyski | |
receipt | receive | |
affirm | maintain to be true | |
hut | a small house or shelter, usually made of wood or metal | |
wash away | carries away | |
buried alive | cause people, animals to be dead due to the natural events etc | |
ablaze | huge flames | |
smuldering | small flames | |
hurricane strick | attack | |
undernourishment | someone who is undernourished is not healthy because they do not get enough food | |
be cut off | don't have contact | |
epidemic | a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people | |
plague | dżuma | |
bleach | a strong chemical used to kill harmful bacteria or to make coloured things white | |
overjoyed | very happy | |
oversimplified | to explain or consider something in a way that makes it seem more simple than it really is | |
overburden | to give someone more work or problems than they can deal with | |
underprivileged | poor, not having as many opportunities as others | |
underlying | real or basic ones facts, although they are not obvious or directly stated | |
tackle | take action | |
drift of population | movement | |
illiterate | without knowledge how to read, write | |
pipe water | woda z kranu | |
pipe | tube | |
sparsley | thinly | |
densley | thickly | |
impoverished | poor | |
struggle for existance | fight for existance | |
devalue | to officially reduce the value of a country's money | |
self-sufficiency | ability of a country to prosper without aid | |
immunisation | protecting people against diseases | |
subsidy | money used by goverment to lower the prices | |