wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: epocha
major causemain reason
lazing aboutrest/linger
diversionSomething that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains
hold upcarry the weight of
wind downto relax
draw backto retreat(wycofywać się)
peter outdiminish gradually
change of scenego to another location
bardrążek w gimnastyce (horizontal bar)
spannerklucz francuski
take part inparticipate
appeal to sbto please or attract someone
be cut out forbe into sth
dead keeninterested in
raise moneycollect money
to sponsor sbfinances a project
amuse sbinterest very much
gasp for breathto labor for one's breath
pantingquick breaths
plod alongto progress at a very slow stedy rate
settle downTo become calm or composed, To begin living a stable and orderly life
struggleto try hard to do something
stragglersomeone who is going more slowly than other people
go offbecome worse
suffer fromexperience unpleasnt
personal bestones best record
surprassbe better than
broke the recordsurpass
on standbyavailable to be used if needed in a particular situation
on dutyworking at that moment
be bitten by the bugget the temptation/passion for
catch up with someoneto begin to have an effect on someone
a barevery few
shamateura sportsperson who is officially an amateur but accepts payment
governing bodiesinstitutions that are responsible for given areas of sport,life
turn a blind eye toto ignore something and pretend you do not see it
doera person or thing that does something or acts in a specified manner
striveto make a lot of effort to achieve something
knock off ( the board)to strike
knock outdefeat a player/team
runner-upa person or team that does not win a competition or race but is second, or is close to winning
took onmet( in sports)
took upstart doing sth
board of directorspeople governing in a given place
chutea tube or a smooth narrow open surface that people or things slide down
low gearslow progress
low in confidencenot self-confident
low turnout for sthlittle interest
tread waterto stay upright in deep water by moving your legs and arms so that your head stays out of the water
tread downcover
tread onto walk or step on someone or something
turn aroundchange of situation
show a turn of speedshow possibilities