wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 3
autor: tysiek
to annihilateto destroy completely
squaliddirty and unpleasant
to keep up appearancesto maintain an outward show of prosperity to hide the truth
to boltto dash
placidcalm and peaceful
all the ragefashionable, popular
enduring love/friendshiplasting forever in spite of difficulties
to ambleto walk slowly without any destination
gaita manner of walking or running
to befriend sbto become friends
to encroach on sthto intrude
in the limelightbeing famous, receiving publicity or attention
to cribto copy sb's work
to lapse into sthto error/ to pass gradually into sth of lower quality
to arouseto cause sth to happen
to enlivento make sb more lively
to idle away a momentto spend time lazily
to conjectureto suppose, to presume
to fabricateto lie
to prophesyto fortell future events
to lugto carry with effort
to clamberto climb with difficulty
to lumber sb with sthto give sb a burden
to engulfto surround
to splatterto splash
provision of sthan instance of providing sth
lumberan unwanted piece of furniture
to lure sb into sthto tempt