give away | betray | |
give off | send off a smell (liquid or gas) | |
give out | be exhausted | |
give over | abandon; devote | |
give over | stop (colloquial) | |
give up | surrender | |
give up | believed to be dead or lost | |
go back on | break a promise | |
go in for | make a habit of | |
go in for | enter a competition | |
go off | become bad (about food) | |
go on | happen (usually negative) | |
go round | be enough | |
go through with | complete a promise or plan (usually un willingly) | |
grow on sb | become more liked (colloquial); make impression on sb | |
hang onto | keep (colloquial) | |
have; get it in for | be deliberately unkind to someone | |
have it out with | express feelings so as to settle a problem (zagrać w otwarte karty) | |
heve sb on | deceive | |
hit it off | get on well with (colloquial) | |
hit upon/on | discover by chance - often an idea | |
hold out | offer, promise - especially with hope | |
hold up | delay; to get stuck | |
hold up | use as an example | |
hold with | agree with (an idea) | |
keep up | continue | |
lay down | state a rule | |
let down | disappoint; break a promise | |
let in on | allow to be part of a secret | |
let off | excuse from punishment | |
let on | inform about a secret (colloquial) | |
(not) live down | suffer a loss of reputation | |
live up to | reach an expected standard | |
look into | investigate | |
look on | consider | |
look sb up | visit sb when in the area | |
make for | result in | |
make off with | run away with | |
make out | pretend | |
make out | manage to see or understand | |
make sb out | understand someone's behaviour | |
make up | invent | |
make up for | compensate for | |
miss out | fail to include | |
miss out | lose a chance | |
own up | confess (colloquial) | |
pack in | stop an acitivity (colloquial) | |
pay back | take revenge (colloquial) | |
pick up | improve (colloquial) | |
pin sb down | force to give a clear statement | |
play up | bahave or work badly | |
point out | draw attention to a fact | |
pull off | manage to succeed | |
push on | continue with some effort | |
put across | communicate ideas | |
put down to | explain the cause of | |
put in for | apply for a job | |
put oneself out | take trouble (to help sb) | |
put off | discourage; upset | |
put up | offer accommodation | |
put up with | tolerate; bear | |
add up | make sense | |
ask after | inquire about | |
back down | yield in an argument (poddać się_ | |
bargain for | take into acount | |
bear out | confirm the truth | |
break down | lose control of the emotions | |
break off | stop talking | |
break up | come to an end | |
bring about | cause to happen | |
bring off | succeed in doing something | |
bring on | cause to onset of an illness; cause trouble to happen | |
bring round | influence sb to your point of view | |
bring up | mention | |
call up | mobilise for military service | |
carry off | complete successfully (perhaps despite a problem) | |
carry out | complete a plan | |
catch on | become popular (colloquial) | |
come about | happen | |
come down to | be in the end a matter of | |
come in for | receive (especially criticism; balme) | |
come off | take place successfully | |
come out | appear | |
come up | occur (usually a problem) | |
come up against | meet a difficulty | |
come up to | equal (especially expectations; standard) | |
come up with | think of (especially an answer; a plan; a solution) | |
count on | rely on | |
crop up | happen unexpectedly (colloquial) | |
do away with | abolish - znieść; obalić (colloquial) | |
do away with | murder | |
do up | decorate | |
draw up | come to a stop | |
draw up | organise (especially a document) | |
drop in | pay a visit | |
drop off | fall asleep | |
end up | finish in a certain way or place | |
face up to | have courage to deal with (especially responsibilities) | |
fall about | shaow amusement (especially laughing) | |
fall back on | use as a last resort | |
fall for | be deceived by | |
fall for | fall in love with | |
fall out with | quarrel with | |
fall through | fail to come to completion | |
feel up to | feel capable of doing | |
follow up | act upon a suggestion | |
follow up | take more action | |
get across | be understood | |
get at | imply (about personal matters) | |
get down | make to feel depressed | |
get down to | begin to seriously deal with | |
get off with | avoid punishment | |
get on for | approach a certain age/time/number | |
get on | make progress (especially in life) | |
get over | be surprised | |
get over with | come to the end of something, usually unpleasant | |
get round, around to | find time to do | |
get up to | do sth (usually bad when about children) | |