wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: wit14
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give awaybetray
give offsend off a smell (liquid or gas)
give outbe exhausted
give overabandon; devote
give overstop (colloquial)
give upsurrender
give upbelieved to be dead or lost
go back onbreak a promise
go in formake a habit of
go in forenter a competition
go offbecome bad (about food)
go onhappen (usually negative)
go roundbe enough
go through withcomplete a promise or plan (usually un willingly)
grow on sbbecome more liked (colloquial); make impression on sb
hang ontokeep (colloquial)
have; get it in forbe deliberately unkind to someone
have it out withexpress feelings so as to settle a problem (zagrać w otwarte karty)
heve sb ondeceive
hit it offget on well with (colloquial)
hit upon/ondiscover by chance - often an idea
hold outoffer, promise - especially with hope
hold updelay; to get stuck
hold upuse as an example
hold withagree with (an idea)
keep upcontinue
lay downstate a rule
let downdisappoint; break a promise
let in onallow to be part of a secret
let offexcuse from punishment
let oninform about a secret (colloquial)
(not) live downsuffer a loss of reputation
live up toreach an expected standard
look intoinvestigate
look onconsider
look sb upvisit sb when in the area
make forresult in
make off withrun away with
make outpretend
make outmanage to see or understand
make sb outunderstand someone's behaviour
make upinvent
make up forcompensate for
miss outfail to include
miss outlose a chance
own upconfess (colloquial)
pack instop an acitivity (colloquial)
pay backtake revenge (colloquial)
pick upimprove (colloquial)
pin sb downforce to give a clear statement
play upbahave or work badly
point outdraw attention to a fact
pull offmanage to succeed
push oncontinue with some effort
put acrosscommunicate ideas
put down toexplain the cause of
put in forapply for a job
put oneself outtake trouble (to help sb)
put offdiscourage; upset
put upoffer accommodation
put up withtolerate; bear
add upmake sense
ask afterinquire about
back downyield in an argument (poddać się_
bargain fortake into acount
bear outconfirm the truth
break downlose control of the emotions
break offstop talking
break upcome to an end
bring aboutcause to happen
bring offsucceed in doing something
bring oncause to onset of an illness; cause trouble to happen
bring roundinfluence sb to your point of view
bring upmention
call upmobilise for military service
carry offcomplete successfully (perhaps despite a problem)
carry outcomplete a plan
catch onbecome popular (colloquial)
come abouthappen
come down tobe in the end a matter of
come in forreceive (especially criticism; balme)
come offtake place successfully
come outappear
come upoccur (usually a problem)
come up againstmeet a difficulty
come up toequal (especially expectations; standard)
come up withthink of (especially an answer; a plan; a solution)
count onrely on
crop uphappen unexpectedly (colloquial)
do away withabolish - znieść; obalić (colloquial)
do away withmurder
do updecorate
draw upcome to a stop
draw uporganise (especially a document)
drop inpay a visit
drop offfall asleep
end upfinish in a certain way or place
face up tohave courage to deal with (especially responsibilities)
fall aboutshaow amusement (especially laughing)
fall back onuse as a last resort
fall forbe deceived by
fall forfall in love with
fall out withquarrel with
fall throughfail to come to completion
feel up tofeel capable of doing
follow upact upon a suggestion
follow uptake more action
get acrossbe understood
get atimply (about personal matters)
get downmake to feel depressed
get down tobegin to seriously deal with
get off withavoid punishment
get on forapproach a certain age/time/number
get onmake progress (especially in life)
get overbe surprised
get over withcome to the end of something, usually unpleasant
get round, around tofind time to do
get up todo sth (usually bad when about children)
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