wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 1.1
autor: tysiek
equilibriuma state of being balanced
interludeinterval, break
to cut back onto reduce
unassumingmodest, not drawing attention to oneself
flaggingweakening/ getting tired
to envisageto form a picture in one's mind
grass-rootsordinary people
to renderto cause sth/sb to be in a particular state or situation
outmodedno longer fashionable
to disperseto cause people to go in different directions
pervasivepresent and perceived everywhere
sycophantone who flatters for self gain
to embezzleto steal money by falsifying records
deferential to sbshowing respect for another's authority
impeccablespotlessly clean/ excellent
circumspectcautious, wary
avariceexcessive greed (for money)
to chideto scold, to rebuke
clandestinedone secretly, surreptitious
oblivious to sthunaware of sth
to derideto mock, to ridicule
to debaseto lower the quality of sth, to deprecate
candourhonesty, frankness
perusalan action of reading sth carefully
rifewidespread/ full of sth
knellfuneral ... - the solemn sound of sth that is about to end forever