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Sherlock 2
autor: mtx8
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a show-offa person who tries to impress other people with his or her abilities or possessions;
a hostagesomeone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do wha
a phenomenon (pl phenomena)something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically
an aislea passage where people walk: a passage between sections of seats in a church, theater, airplane, etc
a thrilla feeling of great excitement or happiness;
a riba bone that curves round from your back to your chest;
disgraceembarrassment and the loss of other people's respect, or behaviour which causes this;
a frauda person who pretends to be what he or she is not in order to trick people;
blackmailthe crime of threatening to tell secret information about someone unless the person being threatened
compassiona strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help
a fugitivea person who is running away or hiding from the police or a dangerous situation;
an anglethe space between two lines or surfaces at the point at which they touch each other, measured in deg
a postmorteman examination of a dead body to find out the cause of death;
an incentivesomething that encourages a person to do something or to work harder;
a traumaa very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems u
thoroughdetailed and careful;
compromisingrevealing something that is improper or embarrassing; causing damage to one’s reputation;
overwhelmingvery great or very large;
distinctivesomething that is _____________ is easy to recognize because it is different from other things;
amplehaving or providing enough or more than enough of what is needed;
trustworthyable to be trusted;
anonymousmade or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public;
elaboratecontaining a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts;
hilariousvery funny;
relevantconnected with what is happening or being discussed;
literallyused to stress that a statement or description is true and accurate even though it may be surprising
outnumberedsmaller in number than something else;
idlenot working, active, or being used;
observantgood or quick at noticing things;
hidiousvery ugly or disgusting;
lateliving until recently, not now living;
illustriousfamous, well respected and admired;
classifiedkept secret from all but a few people in the government;
cooped-upif you are _______________ somewhere, you are in a small closed space from which you cannot escape,
atrociousvery bad;
to misbehaveto behave badly;
to bump into sbto meet someone by chance;
to mill around(of a group of people) to walk around in a general area without any particular aim or purpose;
to impeteto slow down or cause problems for the achievement or finishing of something;
to put down an animalto kill an animal in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sick;
to be up to sbused to say who is responsible for making a choice or decision;
to treat sb to sthto buy or pay for something for another person;
to chip into give some money when several people are giving money to pay for something together;
to frequent sthto visit or go to a place often;
to smadgeto make a dirty mark, spot, streak, etc., on something;
to fall for sthto be tricked into believing something that is not true;
to extort sthto get something by force or threat, or with difficulty;
to crave sthto have a very strong desire for something;
to repelto cause someone to feel disgust;
to lurkto wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to atta
to snivelto cry slightly in a way that is weak and does not make other people feel sympathy for you;
to refine sthto improve something by making small changes;
to show off(disapproving) to try to impress someone with your abilities or possessions;
to loatheto hate someone or something;
to goo on about sthto continue talking;
to punctureto make a small hole in something, or to get a small hole in something;
to account for sthto explain the reason for something or the cause of something;
to behead sbto cut off someone's head;
to be after sb/sthtrying to catch or get something or someone;
to get carried awayto be so excited that you are no longer in control of your behavior;
to comply withto do what you have been asked or ordered to do;
to thriveto grow or develop successfully; to flourish, to boom;
to punchto hit someone or something hard with your fist;
to swing - swung - swung(informal) to do or manage something successfully; to pull sth off; (check the past simple and past
to extract sthto make someone give you something when they do not want to;
to fractureto cause a crack or break in something hard, such as a bone;
to be up to (no good)to be doing something, often something bad or illegal, usually secretly;
to wanderto walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction;
to take sb into trick or deceive someone;
to mop upto remove a liquid from a surface by using a mop, towel, etc.
to economise onto try to save money by reducing the amount that you are spending;
to make for sthto cause something to happen or to be more likely;
to despiceto dislike something or someone very much;
to acquireto get something;
to come to lightif facts ______________, they become known;
to drive sb up the wallto make someone irritated, angry, or crazy;
on the advice of sbfollowing someone’s suggestion;
to be in sb's good booksin a state in which you are liked or are treated nicely by someone;
in a nutshellusing as few words as possible;
to keep a low profileto avoid attracting attention to yourself;
to keep in the darknot to give someone all the information about something;
to jump to conclusionsto guess the facts about a situation without having enough information;
to cross sb's mindif _______________, you think of it;
to take the credit forto be praised for something you’ve done;
to blow your noseto clear your nose by forcing air through it quickly;
to do wondersto help or improve something greatly;
to come in handyto be useful for a particular purpose;
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