awe-inspiring | respectful, giving an inspiring feeling | |
dormitory town | a place from which people travel to work to city | |
outer | outside, very far from the center | |
peripheral | at the edge of sth | |
high-rise | a tall modern building | |
oppressive | przygniatający | |
ooze | flow slowly out of sth through small opening/hole | |
thronged | crowded | |
gem | jewel | |
lime | calcium | |
unscathed | without injuries | |
haphazard | without previous plan | |
swamp | marsh; soft-ground area | |
vendor | seller | |
pavement | sidewalk | |
glut | redundancy, superabundance | |
be in for | doświadczyć czegoś | |
jostle | knock, push roughly to get more space in crowd | |
hawker | straganiarz | |
tacky | shitty; bad style; lepki | |
dub | to name (due to sth) | |
carry sth off | zdobywać coś | |
subconscious | podświadomość | |
exhilarating | making joy and happy | |
sheer | zwykły ([word] nonsense) | |
traversed | przemierzyć | |
overhead | over your head | |
prey | booty, victim (of an animal) | |
soaring | strzelisty | |
straw | słoma | |
broom | mietła | |
urgent | pilny | |
linger | remain | |
emphasize | podkreślać | |
willpower | siła woli | |