wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 2
autor: tysiek
to ruminate on sthto think about sth deeply/ to meditate
dismaythe feeling of shock or discouragement
barbedwith metal endings
to swishto cause sth to swing in the air with hissing sound
to maimto injure, to wound the body so that it cannot be used
to be on the alertto be in readiness, on standby
sluggishslow-moving, inactive
sludgethick, greasy mould
sludgyvery dirty
medleya mixture of sth
to overlapto cover partially
clobberequipment for specified activity
to deck sth out with sthto decorate sth
to be in the buffto be naked
to fazeto make sb nervous, confused
unfazednot nervous
to coop upto restrict sb's freedom by keeping him............
solitaryan instance of being on one's own
in solitary confinementimprisoned
to allureto tempt
to conferto give or to grant
to traverseto go over sth/ to lie, to extend across sth
en routeon the way
to zero in on sthto focus on sth
derelictdestroyed, ruined
insightfulshowing deep understanding
open-and-shutcompletely straight forward and obvious
to fare onto get on, to progress